Obama describes his bond with Jay Z – Washington Post

In celebration of Jay Z's induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, former president Barack Obama recorded a touching tribute to the rapper. Jay Z tweeted the video on June 15. (Amber Ferguson/The Washington Post)

Jay Z made history Thursday by becoming the first hip-hop artist to be inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame.

The man who helped present the award was another trailblazer, the nations first black president, Barack Obama. The two have much in common, as Obama mentioned in his speech.

Perhaps the most immediate thing they have in common, though, was that neither man was actually at the event. Obama gave his speech in a prerecorded video, and Jay Z tweeted about it later. E! reported the rapper was not able to attend the awards gala in New York City.

In the video, Obama named and congratulated all the inductees before turning to Jay Z (given name ShawnCarter), whom he called a true American original.

I like to think Mr. Carter and I understand each other, Obama said. Nobody who met us when we were younger men would have expected us to be where we are today.

The former presidentcontinued, highlighting some of the personal difficulties both men faced and, in their own ways, overcame.

We know what its like not to have a father around, he said. We know what its like not to come from much, and to know people who didnt get the same breaks that we did. So we try to prop open the door of opportunity so that its a little easier for those who come up behind us to succeed as well.

Obama sprinkled in a bit of his signature wit as well, saying, Jay and I are also fools for our daughters, although hes going to have me beat once those two twins show up, referring to twins Jay Z and his wife Beyonc have on the way (or have already had, if you believe the Internet rumors).

Speaking of Beyonc, Obama tossed in a knowingreference to her and Michelle Obama, saying, Lets face it. We both have wives who are significantly more popular than we are.

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It isnt particularly surprising to see the former president speaking about the rapper. The two share a long and abiding respect for each other, perhaps even friendship.

Im pretty sure Im still the only president to listen to Jay Zs music in the Oval Office, Obama said. That may change at some point, but Im pretty sure thats true now.

As hementioned in his speech, I sampled his lyrics to close my speech at Selma.

Its true. On the 50th anniversary of Alabama state troopers attacking nonviolent, mostly blackprotesters marching from Selma to Montgomery to fight for votingrights,Obama said, We honored those who walked so we could run. We must run so our children soar.

This was a paraphrase of Jay Zs verse on the remix of Young Jeezys My President, in which Jay Z raps, Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther could walk/Martin Luther walked so Barack Obama could run/Barack Obama ran so all the children could fly.

Furthermore, Obama said, I tweeted a reference to My First Song as I was putting the finishing touches on my final State of the Union address.

The songs hook goes:

Its my life, its my pain and my struggle The songs that I sing to you is my everything Treat my first like my last, and my last like my first And my thirst is the same as when I came Its my joy and my tears And the laughter it brings to me, its my everything

Obama has previously mentioned the songin an interview, saying he listened to it on the campaign trail because it kinda keeps me steady. Its a great song. It reminds you that you always have to stay hungry.

Obama said he got to know the Carters during the first few years of his presidency, adding,Theyre good people. Beyonc could not be sweeter to Michelle and the girls. So theyre good friends. We talk about the same things I talk about with all my friends.

Beyonc, in fact, sang well, lip-synced the Star Spangled Banner at Obamas second inauguration.

Jay Z even once said of the former president, Ive spoken to him on the phone and had texts from Obama, of course. Hes rapped about it too, saying in On to the Next One that he has Obama on the text.

In fact, Jay Z and Beyonc visited the White House several times during the Obama administration. And, according to Obama, the rapper still serves as an inspiration.

Jay, you have been inspiring, making me want to be active in my retirement just you have been in yours, he said, before closing with a quote from Jay Z himself: I never looked at myself and said that I need to be a certain way to be around a certain sort of people. Ive always wanted to stay true to myself, and Ive managed to do that, people have to accept that.

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Obama describes his bond with Jay Z - Washington Post

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