Obama Is Coming Back From Vacation to Talk About Food – Eater

President Barack Obamas yacht-sailing-with-Oprah-and-Bruce-Springsteen vacation is over Obama returns to public life next week, and on his calendar during these first few weeks back is a keynote at global food innovation summit Seeds&Chips, which takes place in Milan May 8-11. Other speakers include several members of the European Commission, former White House policy advisor Sam Kass, and higher-ups from Starbucks, the James Beard Foundation, and Gotham Greens.

Hot off that now-infamous slam of Paris restaurant Le Cinq, Guardian critic Jay Rayner files a rave: this one for chef Claude Bosis hotly anticipated revamp of Londons Bibendum, a restaurant that was literally named for the mascot of the Michelin restaurant rating organization. Of Bibendum, Rayner writes and sighs: Everything here is quite as it should be.

James Beard is one of the culinary worlds most towering figures; subject to many books, academic inquiries, and tributes. But as the New York Times Frank Bruni points out in this essay, the fact that Beard was gay was often left out of the historical record, an erasure that distorted and continues to distort our views of L.G.B.T. Americans. Give it a read.

According to a recent study looking at Bay Area restaurants, theres a correlation between restaurant closures and two very different but very real factors: rising minimum wage and restaurants having a low score on Yelp.

Theres a new musical version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Broadway, and the reviews are tepid.

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Obama Is Coming Back From Vacation to Talk About Food - Eater

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