Obama speaks to soothe nation, as US Army stays put in Washington – Sydney Morning Herald

Obama's comments came as the US defence secretary reversed course to keep active-duty troops deployed near Washington DC amid ongoing protests over the death of George Floyd.

Obama has said he is inspired by the involvement of young people in the George Floyd protests, saying there is a "change in mindset taking place" in the US during a town hall livestreamed by his foundation.

Beginning his speech by saying he and wife Michelle were keeping the families of victims of police violence in their prayers, the former US president said the protest movement which has spread across the world is the result "not just of immediate moments in time", but a long history of slavery and discrimination.

"The original sin of our society," he said.

Obama said he believed the coronavirus pandemic had disproportionately affected communities of colour in both its economic and health impact.

"Over the last several weeks ... challenges, structural problems here in the United States have been thrown into high relief," Obama said.

However, he said the recent events created an opportunity for the US to "live up to its highest ideals", urging local governments to review their policing policies and commit to reforms proposed during his time in office.

"In some ways, as tragic as these past few weeks have been as difficult and scary and uncertain as they've been they've also been an incredible opportunity for people to be awakened to some of these underlying trends," he said.

Obama spoke as confusion descended on the status of troops in Washington, DC.

Defence Secretary Mark Esper declared on Wednesday he opposes using military troops for law enforcement in containing current street protests, tamping down threats from President Donald Trump, who had warned states he was willing to send soldiers to "dominate" their streets.

Less than 48 hours after the president to contain protests if governors were not able to get a handle on unrest, Esper said the 1807 law should be invoked in the United States "only in the most urgent and dire of situations." He added, "We are not in one of those situations now."

Yet Esper abruptly overturned an earlier Pentagon decision to send a couple hundred active-duty soldiers home from the Washington, DC, region, amid growing tensions with the White House over the military response to the protests.

The issue of the military deployed on streets is a sensitive one in the US because civilian rule is a central aspect of American democracy.

At Trump's encouragement, Esper had ordered about 1300 Army personnel to military bases just outside the nation's capital.

Defence officials said some of the troops were beginning to return to their home base Wednesday, but after Esper visited the White House following a press conference, plans changed, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told The Associated Press.

McCarthy said he believes the change was based on ensuring there is enough military support in the region to respond to any protest problems if needed.

McCarthy said he received notice of the Pentagon order to send about 200 soldiers with the 82nd Airborne's immediate response force home just after 10am on Wednesday. Hours later, the Pentagon notified him that Esper had reversed the decision.

Mark Esper, US secretary of defence.

The move to keep the troops in the region, however, comes as Pentagon leaders continue to insist they do not want to use active-duty forces to help quell the protests.

Earlier in the day, Esper had tamped down threats from Trump about sending troops to "dominate" the streets, telling reporters at a Pentagon news conference that he opposes using military forces for law enforcement in containing the current street protests.

Active-duty troops should be used in the US "only in the most urgent and dire of situations," he said, adding, "We are not in one of those situations now."

Members of the D.C. National Guard stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial monitoring demonstrators during a peaceful protest against police brutality and the death of George Floyd, on June 2 in Washington, DC.

"It is our intent at this point not to bring in active forces, we don't think we need them at this point," McCarthy said in an interview with The Associated Press. "But it's prudent to have the reserve capability in the queue, on a short string."

The AP reported earlier Wednesday that the 82nd Airborne soldiers would be the first to leave and would be returning home to Fort Bragg, NC. The remainder of the active-duty troops, who have all been kept at military bases outside the city in northern Virginia and Maryland, would get pulled home in the coming days if conditions allowed.

But then the Pentagon changed its plans.

"It's a dynamic situation," said McCarthy, adding that the 82nd Airborne troops "will stay over an additional 24 hours and it is our intent - we're trying to withdraw them and get them back home."

The active-duty troops have been available, but not used in response to the protests.

About 1300 active-duty troops were brought in to the capital region early this week as protests turned violent. The protests came in the aftermath of the death in Minnesota of a black man, George Floyd, who died after a white police officer pressed his knee to Floyd's neck for several minutes.

The active-duty unit that will be last to remain on alert is the Army's 3rd Infantry Regiment, which is normally most visible as the soldiers who stand at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The troops, known as the Old Guard, are based close to DC at Fort Myer, Virginia, and have been on 30-minute alert status. They would continue to be prepared to respond to any emergency in the region within a half-hour for as long as needed.

Pentagon leaders have consistently said there continues to be no intent to use the active-duty forces in any law enforcement capacity. They would be used to assist the National Guard or other forces.

So far, Indiana has sent about 300 National Guard troops to D.C., Tennessee has sent about 1000 and South Carolina has sent more than 400.

AP, staff

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Obama speaks to soothe nation, as US Army stays put in Washington - Sydney Morning Herald

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