Obama Spills the Tea on UFOs with James Corden – Yahoo Lifestyle

When it comes to aliens, theres some things I just cant tell you on air Pres. Obama spilled the tea on UFOs during a late-night interview with James Corden For more world news and viral videos, subscribe to NowThis News. #Obama #UFOs #JamesCorden #Entertainment #News #NowThis This video "Obama Spills the Tea on UFOs with James Corden", first appeared on https://nowthisnews.com/.

BARACK OBAMA: When it comes to aliens, there are some things I just can't tell you on air. Look, the truth is that when I came into office, I asked. I was like, all right, is there the lab somewhere where we're keeping the alien specimens and spaceship? And they did a little bit of research, and the answer was no.

But what is true-- and I'm actually being serious here-- is that there's footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is. But I have nothing to report to you today.


OREN LIEBERMANN: An object, skimming the surface, apparently at high speed, when--

- Whoa! Copy! Woo-hoo!

OREN LIEBERMANN: Bullseye. The aircraft sensors home in on the thing, the unidentified flying object. It's one of a few videos of these UFOs the Pentagon confirmed as authentic.

ALEX DIETRICH: You know, I think that over beers, we've sort of said, hey, man, if I saw this solo, I don't know that I would have come back and said anything because it sounds so crazy. Your mind tries to make sense of it. I'm gonna categorize this as maybe a helicopter or maybe a drone. And when it disappeared, I mean, it was just--

OREN LIEBERMANN: Alex Dietrich has never told her story publicly. She's one of several Navy pilots who spoke with "60 Minutes" who've seen or picked up on sensors, similar objects, often moving fast with odd shapes and no obvious method of propulsion.

Story continues

DAVID FRAVOR: There's definitely something that-- I don't know who's building it, who's got the technology, who's got the brains, but there's something out there that was better than our airplane.

OREN LIEBERMANN: No one is using the word aliens here. The Pentagon calls them UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomena.

- There's a whole fleet of them. Look on ASA. My gosh! They're all going against the wind. The wind is 120 knots to the west.

OREN LIEBERMANN: Pilot, Ryan Graves, picked this up on his infrared sensor in 2004 off the coast of San Diego.

- Look at that thing. It's rotating.

RYAN GRAVES: The highest probability is it's a threat observation program.

BILL WHITAKER: Could it be Russian or Chinese technology?

RYAN GRAVES: I don't see why not.

OREN LIEBERMANN: Late last year, the Pentagon created a task force to look at the nature and origin of UAPs. What are these things, where do they come from, and is there an intent here? The government sees this as a possible threat, something that may be able to outperform military capabilities. Lawmakers are demanding it be treated seriously.

MARCO RUBIO: We have things flying over our military bases and places where we're conducting military exercises, and we don't know what it is, and it isn't ours. So that's a legitimate question to ask. If it's something outside this planet, that might actually be better than the fact that we've seen some technological leap on behalf of the Chinese or the Russians or some other adversary.

OREN LIEBERMANN: Next month, the Director of National Intelligence and the Defense Secretary are scheduled to deliver an unclassified report on UAPs to Congress. Former director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, applauds the transparency, but isn't expecting too much yet.

JAMES CLAPPER: I expect this report will be filled with ambiguity as well. And people, depending on their leanings, will extract what they want out of this.

- Whoa! Copy! Woo-hoo! There's a whole fleet of them. Look on ASA. My gosh! They're all going against the wind. The wind is 120 knots to the west. Look at that thing. It's rotating.

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Obama Spills the Tea on UFOs with James Corden - Yahoo Lifestyle

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