Obama teases his critics at the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast

President Obama teasedhiscritics in his Easter remarks asreligiousleaders gathered at the White House for a prayer breakfast Tuesday.

Obama noted the biblical call thatChristians are calledto love each other. But he said he sometimes hears less-than-loving expressions by Christians. He added, but thats a topic for another day, to applause and some jeering and laughter,I was about to veer off. Im pulling it back.

Where there is injustice we defend the oppressed, Obama said, getting back on message after laughter.

Where there is disagreement, we treat each other with compassion and respect, he said. Where there are differences, we find strength in our common humanity, knowing that we are all children of God.

Speaking at the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast, President Obama said that with his daughters looking into college, he starts "tearing up," and needs prayers to help him. He also mused on "the glorious resurrection of our savior." (AP)

[For Easter, first family worships at Alexandrias Alfred Street Baptist Church]

Vice President Biden introduced Obama at the breakfast, whichhas become a regular tradition under Obamas administration.

We live our faith when we nurture the hope and possibilities that have always defined us as a country, Biden said. We live Easter and to live Easter is to live with the constant notion that we can always do better.

Both men drew from the inspiration and words of Pope Francis in their remarks. Obama noted how the pope will visit the White House later this year, nodding to the popes call to serve the least of these.

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Obama teases his critics at the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast

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