Obama to Push Plans Ahead of State of the Union Speech

HONOLULU After returning to Washington Sunday from a two-week vacation in Hawaii, President Barack Obama will spend the days before his Jan. 20 State of the Union address pitchingAmericans on the economic policies he intends to propose.

Mr. Obama plans to roll out legislative proposals and executive actions over the week on issues including housing, manufacturing and higher education, White House spokesman Eric Schultz said. He will do so while traveling the country highlighting progress in the economy, Mr. Schultz said.

The strategy is a shift from previous years when the White House has kept a tight lid on proposals Mr. Obama would announce in his State of the Union address. Mr. Obamas aides hope the approach builds on momentum from the lame-duck congressional session, which resulted in an agreement to fund the government through September.

Mr. Obama will visit the Detroit area on Jan. 7 to emphasize the success of the governments bailout of the auto industry, followed by stops in Phoenix to focus on housing policies and in Tennessee for an event on college affordability.

Vice President Joe Biden will join Mr. Obama in Tennessee, the kind of joint appearance the White House usually reserves for after the State of the Union address.

The president is eager to get to work, and looks forward to working with the new Congress on policies that will make sure middle-class Americans are sharing in the economic recovery, Mr. Schultz said.


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Obama to Push Plans Ahead of State of the Union Speech

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