Obama wants to expand overtime pay

President Obama is expected to call for a change to labor rules so that more workers get overtime.


The administration will point out that some convenience store managers, fast food shift supervisors and office workers may be expected to work 50 or 60 hours a week without overtime, and that their hourly pay rate may actually be less than the $7.25 an hour minimum wage.

Currently, most hourly workers must be paid time-and-a-half if they work more than 40 hours a week. Most salaried workers do not need to be paid overtime, unless they earn less than $455 a week.

But that works out to $23,660 a year, which is less than the federal poverty level for a family of four.

The $455 threshold for overtime hasn't been raised in 10 years, since President Bush upped it from $250 a week. It would be $553 today if it had gone up in line with inflation.

The administration hasn't said where it wants to set the new threshold to require overtime.

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The Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank, recently proposed raising it to $970 a week, or $50,440 a year, so that anyone earning less than that must be paid overtime. EPI said that would only return the level to where it was in 1975, adjusted for inflation, and would raise the pay of 10 million salaried workers.

Related: Surprising near minimum wage jobs

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Obama wants to expand overtime pay

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