This wouldn’t have happened to President Obama (Opinion) – Houston Chronicle

Regarding Trumps arrest is no political sham. Its just deserts. (Opinion), (April 6): Whenever a situation such as Trumps indictment comes up, I try to view it from the perspective of, If it were someone else, would this play out the same? If this were President Barack Obama, would this district attorney have brought these charges? I think we can all agree that the answer to that question is: No. So, with that in mind, yes, I think this is purely politically motivated. Politics is sometimes an ugly game on both sides but weaponizing the government or the justice system to push your political agenda is the lowest of the low.

Bob Fowler, Point Blank

Regarding Trumps Stormy indictment leaves parents to answer, Daddy whats a porn star? (Editorial), (March 30): This editorial described the hand-wringing and agonizing difficulty of finding a way to explain to children the terrible acts former President Trump is alleged to have committed. It is awkward to appear defensive of Trump, whose personality I dislike, but my issue is more with the news treatment (and justice treatment) of those who espouse the opposite politicalideology.

To immediately assist Chronicle editorial board members dealing with their current dilemma, I suggest referring back to the approaches of Chronicle editorial board members of a few decades ago. Seek out how they explained to their children the very credible Juanita BroaddricksBill Clinton rape allegation, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willeys allegations of Clintons sexual harassment and,more delicate what were Monica Lewinsky and the president doing with that cigar? Well deal with variances in selective judicial prosecution at a later time.

C.E. Sylvester, Houston

Regarding Trump arrest on 34 felonies leaves former president dazed and accused (Editorial), (April 4): It is amazing that we see what we are looking for. This editorial, which read as left-leaning, described Donald Trumps look during his arraignment as almost dazed. As a right-leaning conservative, I saw steely determination. It is quite difficult to be truly objective when we each have our built-in biases.

Johnnie Rutledge, Brenham

Regarding Texas voters often shrug off criminal allegations. Will they mind Trumps 34 felony charges? (April 4): It is reported that Texas Republicans are unfazed by their politicians being indicted for felonies because its just so hyperpartisan. Ignoring the ex-presidents lawlessness and magical thinking that finally resulted in his followers' insurrection against the U.S. government, according to this piece, there is a growing anti-institutional attitude in the Republican Party. Why sugarcoat it? The name of this is anarchy. This is the only way some scoff-law Republicans, fully armed at church, schools and voting sites, fully detached from the facts and truth here on Earth One, can win a national election. Its coming down to a civil war at the ballot box.

Democrats have to show their love of our country by stamping out these grapes of wrath with their votes.

Britt D. Davis, Katy

Regarding On scene of rappers murder in River Oaks, we saw depravity and grace (Editorial), (April 3): Your editorial describes the horror of coming upon a murder scene in which a young man had been gunned down in broad daylight on an otherwise peaceful street. Truly this must have been traumatic, and rightfully so. But then you write, The guns are certainly to blame.

What a ridiculous statement. A gun is an inanimate object, incapable of choosing between right and wrong. The blame rests squarely on the person using the gun for evil. If a person drinks to the point of being impaired then gets behind the wheel of a car, drives the wrong way on a street or freeway and crashes head-on into another vehicle, killing an innocent motorist as happened just the other day in Houston do we say the car is to blame? Of course not. The blame belongs to the impaired driver of the offending vehicle. The same is true for a murder committed anywhere in our community. It is the person committing the murder that is to blame, not the tool or device the person used.

We need to stop blaming the device used to take a life and recognize the real culprit is the individual that has so little regard for the value of a human life that he or she will use that device to take the life of another. Regardless of what is used a gun, a car or any other device the blame belongs to the person who has the ability to choose between right and wrong.

John Simpson, Magnolia

Regarding Most Texans are for commonsense gun reform. Why do we keep voting otherwise? (Opinion), (April 4): Julie Marinucci, we need those guns to protect us from tyranny. Thats why the Founding Fathers, acting through the states, put the Second Amendment in there. Back then, hunting, predator control, self-defense and marksmanship were all important, but the real reason for it was to protect us from tyranny.

Gene McFaddin, Houston

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