Trump’s Exorbitant Travel Costs Will Far Surpass Obama’s – The Root

President Donald Trump walks to greet supporters after arriving on Air Force One at the Palm Beach International Airport to spend part of the weekend at Mar-a-Lago resort on February 17, 2017, in West Palm Beach, Fla. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

President Trump had a lot to say about President Obamas vacations and his costs to American taxpayers. Yet, a new report confirms that Trumps travel costsmade more exorbitant because of his refusal to stay in the White House on weekendsis on track to far surpass that of Obama.

The Washington Post estimates that if the Trump familys elaborate lifestyle continues at the clip it racked up during the first month of his presidency, he will spend hundreds million more than his predecessor.

The Post reports that Trumps three trips to the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida since the inauguration cost approximately $10 million in travel, security and more. President Obama spent roughly the same in travel ($12 million) for an entire year.

Because President Trump has such a large family, their security adds to the astronomical costs as well as well.

The costs of guarding the Trump Tower in New York City where the first lady, Melania Trump and Trumps youngest son Barron live, is estimated to cost $183 million a year. New York Senator Chuck Schumer says he wants the federal government to recoup these costs to New York City and State. The Post also reports that Eric Trumps trip to Uruguay ran $100,000 in hotel fees for Secret Service personnel.

This in addition to the $1.5 million a year to rent appropriate space for authorities in the Trump Tower, if the Pentagon decides to prepare for the commander-in-chiefs possible to return to his Manhattan residence.

Conversely, Obamas travel expenses were calculated at about $97 million for his two years in office.

Read more at the Washington Post.

Originally posted here:
Trump's Exorbitant Travel Costs Will Far Surpass Obama's - The Root

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