Yes, the young Obama compartmentalized. That’s what ambitious people do. – Washington Post

May 19 at 6:47 PM

Regarding Obamas calculated life, Carlos LozadasMay 7 Outlook reviewof Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama by David J. Garrow:

I doubt we need the books 1,400 pages to learn what we already know: Most exceptionally successful people in politics, business,the arts, the military, athletics are extremely ambitious, or they would not achieve their level of success. Very ambitious people often compartmentalize their lives; often, their personal lives are affected. This applies to relationships of manyextremely successful people. Obama is in good company with millions of others.

When it comes to primary romantic relationships, such as Obamas serious girlfriend before he met Michelle Robinson (now Obama): Who among us, highly successful or not, has not had various factors damage or end such relationships such as ambition, pressures from family of origin, geography,racial/ethnic issues or just being immature, no matter our age at the time we ended one relationship, and later began another that ended in marriage? From what we know, the Obamas have an excellent marriage, so he is managing that part of his life better than many highly ambitious people.

David Zwerdling, Silver Spring

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Yes, the young Obama compartmentalized. That's what ambitious people do. - Washington Post

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