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Beginner WordPress Tutorial Video WP Dashboard Overview Tutorial. This video will give a basic overview of the WordPress dashboard including how to do a post and a page as well as plugins.

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Beginner WordPress Tutorial Video

Social Media Revolution

Social Media Revolution: Is social media a fad? Or is it the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? This video details out social media facts and figures that are hard to ignore.

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Social Media Revolution

How to use WordPress to design to a website.

Learn to design a website using the popular blogging program, WordPress. Follow along with veteran web designer, Matt Hackney, as he creates a racing website from scratch that is simple enough for anyone to do

See the article here:
How to use WordPress to design to a website.

Install WordPress Locally – Thesis Theme

Discover how to install and tinker with a Word Press blog on your own machine using WAMP server.

Excerpt from:
Install WordPress Locally - Thesis Theme

Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh)

Social Media Revolution 2 is a refresh of the original video ( with new and updated social media

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Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh)