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WWW.MONEY.CA Launches; New Canadian Money Site for Personal Finance

TORONTO, Feb. 17, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- MONEY.CA the site that best does what everyone else talks about; when it comes to online "Financial Literacy" for Canadians we share the wealth and wisdom online and in print, bringing a little bling and a lot of the real thing to all the right target markets for all the right reasons.

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MONEY has many definitions and expressions too numerous to count, some of the most important things according to Canadians and their money will be a primary focus for MONEY to continually research, study and report all that is money and all that is worth knowing and sharing when it comes to personal finance and the local Canadian economy.

MONEY.CA, with all of it's resources will help investors, students, youth and new-comers to Canada all the important news, information and insight they need to know to hold up a world class economy that starts with more children having enough to eat and access to education, books and computers.

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Money Canada Limited
James Dean 

http://WWW.MONEY.CA Launches; New Canadian Money Site for Personal Finance

DOT Wants Mobile Devices Disabled During Driving


Jeannie Frangos, of Broadview Heights, travels for her job.

“I use my GPS a lot while driving,” said Frangos.

But every time Jeannie goes to program her GPS, she has to pull over and park.

“I can’t use it while driving. Your car has to be stopped to put in the information, and then you can start your route,” added Frangos.

Well, if the Department of Transportation (DOT) has its way, that same technology would apply to cell phones and other electronic devices.

Recently, the department proposed new guidelines that would disable mobile devices that allow drivers access to social networks and other activities while the car is moving.

Basically, drivers wouldn’t be able to text, browse the internet, or look at their Facebook and Twitter profiles while driving.

“I think it’s a great idea for a young kid. I don’t want my young cousins texting and driving. I’m more concerned about people around me. I don’t text and drive,” said Jodi Hall, of Cleveland.

“I don’t necessarily think you need to disable the phone because you never know. It could be an emergency call that you get,” said Delicia Terry, of Cleveland.

“I think any kind of legislation that would curb distracted driving is beneficial to everybody on the road,” said Patrolman Norm Kekic with the Parma Police Department.

According to Parma police, distracted driving is a big problem for traffic enforcement.

“I’ve seen people drift into oncoming traffic because they are looking down at their phone texting. I’ve seen them literally stop in the middle of the road because they are texting and that causes a backup. People will rear-end people. There’s a lot of accidents that happen because of it,” added Kekic.

At this point, disabling cell phones in cars while it is moving is only in the proposal stage.

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DOT Wants Mobile Devices Disabled During Driving

Media Decoder Blog: Digital Notes: New Charges, and More Details, in Megaupload Case

February 17, 2012, 4:26 pm By BEN SISARIO

A revised indictment against the file-sharing site Megaupload was announced on Friday, with new charges against the site’s operators and some new details about the investigation. In addition to the five counts of conspiracy, money laundering and criminal copyright infringement in the original indictment last month, the seven men being charged — including Kim Dotcom, the site’s founder — face three new infringement charges and five wire fraud charges.

The new indictment, which was filed Thursday in Federal District Court in Alexandria, Va., adjusts some numbers, apparently after a closer review of evidence: Megaupload had only about 67 million registered users, not the 180 million earlier claimed, and only about six million users ever uploaded files. One of the most egregious users, named VV, uploaded 16,950 files over six years, yielding 34 million views and “numerous take-down e-mails, including 85 notices from one representative,” the Justice Department said in a statement.

Five of the seven members of what the government calls the “Mega Conspiracy” have been arrested after a raid on Mr. Dotcom’s mansion in New Zealand on Jan. 19, and are awaiting trial.

A Return to eMusic: Domino Records, an independent label whose acts include Animal Collective and Franz Ferdinand, has returned its catalog to the digital retailer eMusic after an absence of a little more than a year. Domino was one of three prominent indies, along with Merge and the Beggars Group, to withdraw from eMusic in November 2010. Those labels gave no clear explanation for their departure, but some hinted at the time that the recent arrival of the major labels to eMusic — long a haven for independent music — had altered the site’s business terms. Merge and Beggars remain absent, but in a statement, Adam Klein, eMusic’s chief executive, said, “While we are in conversations and have great relationships in the industry, we cannot give an update at this time.”

Ben Sisario writes about the music industry. Follow @sisario on Twitter.

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Media Decoder Blog: Digital Notes: New Charges, and More Details, in Megaupload Case

'Vampire Diaries' Recap: 'All My Children'

by Cassie Title

By now, faithful readers, you’ve come to know me a little bit. And I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve been a little confused about what show it is that we’ve actually been watching. With references to "The Secret Circle" and "Gossip Girl," you can’t really blame me. But it all made sense tonight: the sappy music, the desperate longing on Elena and Stefan’s faces when the director switched frames during their missed phone connection, the pain in Damon’s eyes when he picked up Elena’s call, the fact that Rebekah was RIGHT THERE in his bed and left at exactly the same time Elena arrived, the bizarre reference to the actual title of this show (Stefan writing in a diary!) that producers forgot about—with good reason—two seasons ago, Klaus telling Caroline that he wants to know her hopes, her dreams, everything. We’ve been watching a soap opera, and it’s more than fitting that this episode’s name hearkened to the mother (get it?) of daytime TV. Plus, Esther wants to kill all her children. In short, it was a meandering, plot-heavy episode, so let's get down to it:

1. Elijah took Elena to a clearing in the woods, and started to give her some Original history lessons. The natives did this here, the village looked like this then, until splat! All her lies blew up in her face when he figured out Esther’s true plan. So, he did what any all-powerful being would do when faced with imminent death: He dug a hole in the ground, and took a literal leap of faith that by keeping Elena hostage underground (with an angry mercenary Rebekah on orders to kill her if she ran) the Salvatore brothers would stop Esther’s spell.

2. So, it became time for the dynamic duo to come up with a plan. Elijah explained his deal, and Damon retorted with his usual wit:
"I’m embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to killing 1,000-year old resurrected witches, I’m a little rusty." Oh, Damon, you are something.

And the conclusion? Esther was channeling the entirety of the Bennett bloodline—living and dead—but needed mother and daughter to complete the energy flow. If someone was to break the bloodline, she would lose the power to do the spell. So now we’re all thinking that Damon or Stefan has to kill—OMG!—Bonnie or Abby.

3. Since Elena would never forgive them, Damon came up with a less diabolical plan: Alaric daggered Kol, because if one of them got daggered, all of them would be daggered. Except, Klaus didn’t get affected, the dagger was taken out of Kol and Elijah showed up demanding that they give up the witches’ location or Rebekah would kill Elena stat.

4. Plan B: the brothers flipped a coin to see who was going to do the dirty deed. And then Damon TURNED ABBY INTO A FREAKING VAMPIRE. Well, that is one clever way to end the Bennett blood line, because as we all know, you cannot be a witch and a vampire. And yet again, Damon saved Stefan from himself, because he actually won the coin toss, but did the unforgivable thing so that Stefan would have a chance to redeem himself for Elena (and I guess himself.) Because as Damon said: "I thought I could win her from you fair and square. It’s for the best though, that she didn’t want me. I’m better at being the bad guy, anyway." Oh, yes you are.

5. Since the spell went wrong, everybody fled except for Rebekah and Klaus. Elijah even left Elena a heartfelt apology note. But Rebekah told Klaus something important: On the cave where the natives wrote the Original family history, there’s a discrepancy with dates. Remember that ancient white oak tree? The one the Originals burnt to the ground so that no one could kill them? Well, a new one was planted somehow—a whole 300 years after they fled to the New World. Something fishy’s going on—they can still die—and I sense some sort of scuffle a’coming.

6. Meredith—or shall we say the sexy, psycho doctor—brought Ric to her house to help him recuperate. But then he got up and found all sorts of medical records, and the supposed Gilbert weapon that killed Bill and Brian and almost killed Ric. And then he looked up. And then Meredith said: You weren’t supposed to see him. And then she shot him! OMG SHE FREAKING SHOT HIM! AND THEN THERE WERE A LOT MORE SHOTS! OMG OMG OMG IS RIC DEAD? AGGGGGGGGGH!

And now we’re deprived, again, until March 15. We’ve gone through this so many times, Julie and Kevin, I don’t even know what to say. Just that I’m very, very, very disappointed in you.

What did you think of this episode? Should we start referring to Damon as Damon the Vampire Gigalo? Are we going to delve deeper into Rebekah’s mommy and daddy issues? Is Klaus going to help his siblings do away with the only weapon that could kill them? Have the Originals really all dispersed, or will we get to see them again? If it was a full moon, why didn’t Tyler come back? Are you stoked to see the Damon/Sage flashback episode?! Is Esther really gone? Will Bonnie ever be able to forgive Elena for causing her so much pain? What’s going to happen with Abby?! Tell me, tell me, tell me. We have another long month ahead of us, and I intend to spend every waking moment discussing these poignant issues with you. Below, or on Twitter. So let’s get talking, friends. Let’s get talking.

Tags Candice Accola, Claire Holt, daniel gillies, Ian Somerhalder, Joseph Morgan, Kat Graham, Matt Davis, Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Vampire Diaries

See the rest here:
'Vampire Diaries' Recap: 'All My Children'

Dot EDU – CCI Registration – Video

17-02-2012 14:29 Join CITI TV for Dot Edu with host Kellie Hunter with guest Julian Carter as they discuss registration for the College and Career Institute. For more DOT Edu check out For more CITI TV content check out

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Dot EDU - CCI Registration - Video