11-01-2012 02:11 These will be available in the upcoming weeks from bluemic.com Thanks to Hillary Money from Blue for her time. For more cutting-edge CES coverage, subscribe to/follow this playlist
Go here to read the rest:
CES 2012: Blue Microphones Lineup with new Spark Digital, Tiki, and Mikey Digital - Video
07-01-2012 04:44 EXPAND FOR MORE INFO! A cute and easy to follow nail tutorial.
See the rest here:
Cute Candy Monster Nails - Video
10-01-2012 14:22 This Transportation TV video -- Innovation in Motion, Utah DOT's I-15 CORE Project -- showcases the Utah Department of Transportation's cutting-edge solutions to deliver a 24-mile, $1.725 billion interstate improvement faster, safer, and cheaper. The video highlights four key innovative solutions being utilized by UDOT including, Fixed-Price, Best-Design, Procurement; a method of conducting the competitive bid process for a highway construction project, based on a fixed price and other requirements Accelerated Bridge Construction, which is demonstrated through the record-setting move of a 3.8-million-pound bridge; A Diverging Diamond Interchange, one of only a handful of such facilities in the US; and UDOT's Innovative Strategic Communications and Public Outreach Program, which is keeping stakeholders informed and engaged in new ways.
Visit link:
Innovation in Motion, Utah DOT's I-15 CORE Project - Video
11-01-2012 00:25 I Believe in Wrestling - Orlando, FL
Read this article:
Larry Zbyszko vs. Mike Reed - 1/7/12 - Video