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Censoring the Internet! – Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) – Operation Blackout – Video

21-11-2011 21:39 FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS! Save the interwebz as we know it. Open this for links! Like/fav/ SHARE this video so people know what could happen! FIGHT HERE: More info here: Twitter: Facebook: Censorsing the Internet! - Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) Censorsing the Internet! - Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) Censorsing the Internet! - Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) Censorsing the Internet! - Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) - Operation Blackout censoring, internet, stop online piracy act, sopa, censorship, internet, bill, copyright, infringement, the, end, of, youtube, anonymous, operation blackout, operation, blackout, fight, congress, sopa, piracy act, freedom of speech

Originally posted here:
Censoring the Internet! - Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) - Operation Blackout - Video

Are we entering an age of cyber-censorship? – Video

28-11-2011 15:40 As many nations try to regulate the internet, how far will governments go to censor online content?

Visit link:
Are we entering an age of cyber-censorship? - Video

Unnecessary Censorship – Diablo III Beta [Part 1] – Video

06-12-2011 01:17 The storyline of Diablo III takes a surprising turn when everyone tries to #!@% Deckard Cain. "Look, a hidden cellar! %#@! Me!" Subscribe to watch part 2 when it's released! Song "Julian Walker Hays - Syncstate" by:

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Unnecessary Censorship - Diablo III Beta [Part 1] - Video

Google expose Sibal’s action over web censorship – Video

07-12-2011 20:54 The truth has been revealed behind Kapil Sibal threatening action against social networking cites unless 'offensive' contents are filtered.

See the original post here:
Google expose Sibal's action over web censorship - Video

SOPA, Piracy, Censorship and the End of the Internet? Stephen Kinsella on Freedomain Radio – Video

22-12-2011 09:32 Stephan Kinsella, an American intellectual property lawyer and libertarian legal theorist, discusses the First Amendment violations of the Stop Internet Piracy Act. Freedomain Radio is the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web -

Read more:
SOPA, Piracy, Censorship and the End of the Internet? Stephen Kinsella on Freedomain Radio - Video