The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on their version of the bill known as SOPA or the Stop Online Privacy Act. The Protect IP Act would allow the attorney general to create a blacklist of sites they see as engaging in infringing activities, to be blocked by ISP providers, search engines, payment providers and advertising networks all without a court hearing or trial.
NO SOPA: 'American Censorship Day' - Video
***************NOTICE*************** The European CFR has just been recently created visit this link for more information. ========================================= The Sovereign Military Order of Malta created the CFR which includes SMOM Papal Knights such as Rupert Murdoch, David Rockefeller.
Continued here:
The CFR Controls American News/Media - Video
In the latest blog of this year's series introducing Football Manager 2012, Miles talks about changes made to Social Networking in the game.
See the original post here:
FM2012 Video Blog - Social Networking (UK Version) - Video
Unify with us in an effort to SAVE THE WORLD through peaceful, direct individual participation! Competition is decided to create the best solution to global debt enslavement. $1000 prize minimum for winner voted on by the People
Original post:
Video Competition:"Silver Bullet Solution" for liberty.concept - Video
Diddy dirty money performs "Coming home" on the Graham Norton Show Live. Did you live the performance , your comments are welcome.
Read more:
Diddy Dirty Money "Coming Home" G Norton Show...wide screen 16:9 - Video