Freedom Rally – Sherry Jackson Update
This is an update on Sherry Jackson given by her husband.
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Freedom Rally - Sherry Jackson Update
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This is an update on Sherry Jackson given by her husband.
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Freedom Rally - Sherry Jackson Update
Nothing really new here, after all, most Americans have already been forced into a modern day version of indentured servitude most of their adult life. Just a brief discussion of a few ongoing losses to your financial freedom and self determination. keywords: economic meltdown collapse dollar hyperinflation bank loans tax federal reserve deflation control freedom loss stocks us
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Loss of financial freedom Excerpt from the documentary America - Freedom To Fascism, available in full at http
See the rest here:
America - Freedom to Fascism (1/5)
Aaron Russo: "I set out on a journey to make a film about whether or not there was a law requiring Americans to pay an income tax...or was the tax a fraud being perpetrated by the American government. This process of discovery brought something much more dangerous and frightening to my, I will bring it to yours." This film not only puts the legalities of the IRS and the Federal Reserve into question, but it also reveals the carefully concealed oligarchy of elitists and globalists whose main goals include financially enslaving society by creating a world order of manufactured consent devoid of individuality and freedom -- much like the former Soviet Union. PS: If you really care about America, and want your taxes to go towards your country, rather than rich fat cats operating out of foreign countries draining your hard earned tax dollars, this film won't disappoint
There is no law on income tax, it is only voluntarily.
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Aaron Russo Freedom to Fascism P1