TUMBLR: novacaneandcocaine.tumblr.com i dont own anything. -Lyrics by ear, so if theres mistakes just let me know.
The rest is here:
Body On Mine Ft Se7en - Chris Brown (Boy In Detention) (Lyrics) - Video
Get my originals and covers on iTunes! bit.ly Stream all my songs for free on spotify! bit.ly "Best Friend" Music Video/Single coming soon! Book me for an event: jasonchenbooking(at)gmail(dot)com LINKS: Stream all my songs for free on spotify! bit.ly Get "Music Never Sleeps" t-shirts, tanktops, wristbands! jasonchen.bigcartel.com If you want shoot videos, produce beats, do photography, or do graphic design for me, please email miniachilles (at) gmail (dot) com Twitter Facebook / Google+! http://www.twitter.com http://www.facebook.com gplus.to website coming soon! http://www.jasondchen.com I love getting mail! send me some =) PO Box 2113 Arcadia, CA 91077
See the article here:
Justin Bieber - "Mistletoe" Cover - Video
INDYBROWN.TV presents 'FEATURING' the music show that brings you the most exciting new talent in the music scene. For Round 1 'No Rules', Rita Morar performs an acoustic cover of her own song "Rain" with Mal Darwen on the guitar. Subscribe for more on http://www.youtube.com Like us on http://www.facebook.com Follow us on http://www.twitter.com http://WWW.INDYBROWN.TV This show is brought to you by: Barking MAD Productions - http://www.barking-mad.tv in association with: Design My Night - http://www.designmynight.com Spice of Life - http://www.spiceoflifesoho.com
Here is the original post:
"Rain" - FEATURING #5 RITA MORAR I Round 1 - Video
Dot Rotten 2nd part of his interview with ADTV http://www.amarudontv.com Dot Rotten discusses being careful on some of the controversial topics he touches regarding the "Powers that be" in his rhymes
Here is the original post:
Dot Rotten Interview with Amaru Don TV Part Two (Keep it on the low) - Video
IN THE ZONE is a series of interviews with celebrities from the film and music industry. Jay Sean catches up with Ashanti Omkar in the zone about his latest Mixtape, tour and future plans. Production Team: Nirozen Thavarajah, Trushar Patel Subscribe for more on http://www.youtube.com Like us on http://www.facebook.com Follow us on http://www.twitter.com http://WWW.INDYBROWN.TV This show is brought to you by: Barking MAD Productions - http://www.barking-mad.tv Omkari (Ashanti Omkar) - http
Originally posted here:
"I Love Hindi Songs" Jay Sean - IN THE ZONE #3 - Video