Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on internet censorship
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales speaks out against censorship of the internet in China and Iran.
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Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales speaks out against censorship of the internet in China and Iran.
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Minister Louis Farrakhan speaking in Savannah, GA.
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Min. Farrakhan speaking on Jewish media control, the Million Man March,
Joomla 1.6 Video Tutorial - A quick look at the front-end and administrator templates installed in Joomla! 1.6 and the JoomlArt T3 Template Framework 2.0.
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Joomla! 1.6 Tutorial - Templates
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A group of law professors have sent a letter to Congress, opposing the Protect IP Act saying that it not only amounts to internet censorship that is barred by the First amendment, but also aligns the US with oppressive regimes. One of these professors, Mark Lemley from Stanford Law School discusses.
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