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Integrate social media and location-based services into your business profile with TechWyse
Jamie' O'Donnell, SEO-PR, interviews DJ Kennedy, founder of TechWyse Internet Marketing, on the latest service requests from customers at SES Toronto 2011. DJ says TechWyse is handling more requests from individuals wanting help with their social media profiles, how businesses can integrate social media into their strategy, and rising popularity of the mobile web and location-based services
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Integrate social media and location-based services into your business profile with TechWyse
Joomla! Demo
Rooster Tail Designs demos the front end of a Joomla! web platform
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Joomla! Demo
Social marketing expert: Your customers dont care about you!
In a new show focussed on developing a small business marketing strategy, provocative social marketing expert David Merman Scott takes explains an insight that can help you build a really effective small business marketing strategy online.Join now to get free access to tips, advice and know how from the world's top business experts - direct from your desktop. There are hundreds of shows like the one you've just seen.
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Social marketing expert: Your customers dont care about you!
Waze: the next big social network in the UK?
Waze has been described as a Facebook for drivers. Channel 4 News Technology Correspondent Benjamin Cohen looks at its potential to revolutionise driving and news coverage.
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Waze: the next big social network in the UK?