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What is a Social Network? - MySpace, YouTube, FaceBok, Flickr ... they're all social networks, but what is a social network?

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What is a Social Network?

Joomla Tutorial Part 1 – Adding Articles and Menu Items

This Joomla! Tutorial will show you the basics of adding menu items and articles to your Joomla! content management system. If you just want some fun reading you can visit my fun blog:

Go here to read the rest:
Joomla Tutorial Part 1 - Adding Articles and Menu Items

Have record companies diluted music talent? Get the social marketing solution to plastic pop!

Does social marketing offer you the chance to break the chains and escape from the corporate music ogre? Or do you think that record companies pumping out plastic pop have dumbed down the music making process to a degree that its either make that or nothing

Follow this link:

Have record companies diluted music talent? Get the social marketing solution to plastic pop!

Funny Sesame Street’s Unnecessary censorship

Funny Sesame Street's Unnecessary censorship it is very funny word bleeped out for no reason to make it seam bad


Funny Sesame Street's Unnecessary censorship

Hepatitis C treatment 2009 – injection no. 72 – the Isolated Virus Killer

Use 480p and a bigger window when watching the content: Yeah, you'll look like this if you have had Hepatitis C for nearly 40 years and also after having taken medication for 72 weeks in 2008 and 2009, all because of a long term infection. It is a video blog from my second (!) 72-week treatment in 2008 and 2009 that ended in late October 2009. I had to start the recording of the injection itself twice, hence the kissblack effects

More here:
Hepatitis C treatment 2009 - injection no. 72 - the Isolated Virus Killer