Media Search:

The Listening Post -Media control in Iran – 26 June 09 – PT2

In part two The Listening Posts Salah Khadr on the fight of a journalist to keep her sources confidential.

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The Listening Post -Media control in Iran - 26 June 09 - PT2

Getting Real With Internet Marketing

People need to get very real with how they go about selecting and testing Markets.

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Getting Real With Internet Marketing

Social Marketing Boot Camp Introduction

Social Marketing Boot Camp Introduction


Social Marketing Boot Camp Introduction

Media Control / Video Control from Touchscreen Direct to TV

Smart-HDL Displaying a Demo on its Latest Media on Demand Control Using its HAC (hame Automation Control) Touch screen. The HAC Interface can Play and Stream Simultaniously to Different Rooms Diffrent Film, Que, Pause, Forward and More. It has the Function of Who, Where nd What is plying reporting.Price Range is USD 48, For more information Contact

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Media Control / Video Control from Touchscreen Direct to TV

Hepatitis C treatment 2000 – The Isolated Virus Killer

The video content: - This is how you look after having had Hepatitis C for 30 years and also after having taken medication for 6 months in 2000, all because of a long term Hepatitis C infection. It is a video blog from my first unsuccessfull (!) one year treatment in 1999/2000

Here is the original post:
Hepatitis C treatment 2000 - The Isolated Virus Killer