Texas assistant principal writes ‘Pepe the Frog’ children’s book – Chron.com

By Fernando Ramirez, Chron.com / Houston Chronicle

Explainer: The Alt-Right movement

A Texas middle school assistant principal recently published a children's book with "Pepe the frog" as a character, a controversial meme that has been labeled as a hate symbol.

Click through to read more about the Alt-Right movement in the U.S.

Explainer: The Alt-Right movement

A Texas middle school assistant principal recently published a children's book with "Pepe the frog" as a character, a controversial meme that has been labeled as a hate

Click through to learn more about the Alt-Right.

Click through to learn more about the Alt-Right.

Slightly amorphous and definitely controversial, the "alt-right" has become the newest political hot button in Donald Trump's run for the White House.

But, how did it start and what does it mean? Here's a few things to know about the alt-right.

EXPLAINER: What is the "alt right?"

The alt-right, a collection of hard line conservatives, white supremacists, anti-immigrationists and others, have become a political hot button in Donald Trump's presidential run.Keep clicking to see the 15 things you need know about this movement as it takes center stage during the presidential race.

Slightly amorphous and definitely controversial, the "alt-right" has become the newest political hot button in Donald Trump's run for the White House.

But, how did it start and what does it mean? Here's a few

The alternative right is relatively new to the American political scene. The Southern Poverty Law Center pegs the start of the alt-right to 2008, when a white nationalist named Richard Bertram Spencer coined the term to describe a loose confederation of ideologies and ideas.

The alternative right is relatively new to the American political scene. The Southern Poverty Law Center pegs the start of the alt-right to 2008, when a white nationalist named Richard Bertram Spencer

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's "America first" campaign pitch has drawn support from the alt-right, who like his pledges to deport the estimated 11 million people living in the country illegally and to temporarily bar foreign Muslims from the U.S. Trump also has retweeted a number of messages from Twitter users with questionable profiles, including one with the handle @WhiteGenocideTM.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's "America first" campaign pitch has drawn support from the alt-right, who like his pledges to deport the estimated 11 million

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton says voters need to be concerned about Donald Trump's brand of "alt-right" conservatism, and that his appeal to the fringe says all people need to know about the GOP nominee.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton says voters need to be concerned about Donald Trump's brand of "alt-right" conservatism, and that his appeal to the fringe says all people need

A key piece of the alt-right philosophy is an opposition to immigration. Alt-right backers have not only opposed illegal immigration, but legal border crossings as well.

A key piece of the alt-right philosophy is an opposition to immigration. Alt-right backers have not only opposed illegal immigration, but legal border crossings as well.


The alt-right movement also has some ties to white supremacists, anti-Semitic groups and neo-Nazis, who appear drawn to the anti-political correctness and anti-immigration strains in the movement.


The alt-right movement also has some ties to white supremacists, anti-Semitic groups and neo-Nazis, who appear drawn to the anti-political correctness and anti-immigration strains in the movement.

Paleoconservatives, a largely isolationist, anti-immigration group led by people such as Pat Buchanan, are the closest ideological cousins to the current alt-right. Paleoconservatives generally found traditional Republicans to be lacking in how conservative they were.

Paleoconservatives, a largely isolationist, anti-immigration group led by people such as Pat Buchanan, are the closest ideological cousins to the current alt-right. Paleoconservatives generally

Roots, Part I

Some of the thinking on the alt-right is traced to the Libertarian philosophies pushed by former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas. Paul is a long-standing critic of federal monetary policy as well as the country's military posture.

Roots, Part I

Some of the thinking on the alt-right is traced to the Libertarian philosophies pushed by former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas. Paul is a long-standing critic of federal monetary policy as well as

Roots, Part II

Other concepts behind the alt-right philosophy have also been traced to former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Duke has long pushed the concept of "white rights" and "European-Americans" standing up for their heritage. Both are points consistently made by the alt-right. Duke, a former state lawmaker in Louisiana, in a speech Wednesday noted that Trump speaks like an alt-right adherent. Duke is now running for U.S. Senate in Louisiana and causing Trump heartburn by publicly supporting his campaign.Trump initially said he didn't know enough about Duke to disavow him, a point Democrats have been making in ads every since.

Roots, Part II

Other concepts behind the alt-right philosophy have also been traced to former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Duke has long pushed the concept of "white rights" and "European-Americans" standing

Who's Out

Alt-righters tend to reject the current crop of politicians, particularly those who have held office, such asSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., center, and others such as, from left, Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas.

Who's Out

Alt-righters tend to reject the current crop of politicians, particularly those who have held office, such asSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., center, and others such as, from left, Sen.

The website 4chan gave the alt-right the first really big break when it served as a channel for adherents to discuss ideas, plot protests and generally have a place to gather.

The website 4chan gave the alt-right the first really big break when it served as a channel for adherents to discuss ideas, plot protests and generally have a place to gather.

Spreading the Word

Many on the alt-right use social media platforms such as Reddit and Twitter to promote their ideas and exchange thoughts with other alt-right adherents.

Alt-right adherents have organized online campaigns around hashtags such as #WhiteGenocide, a reference to the belief that white people are being subject to an orchestrated eradication campaign and #ISaluteWhitePeople.

Spreading the Word

Many on the alt-right use social media platforms such as Reddit and Twitter to promote their ideas and exchange thoughts with other alt-right adherents.

Alt-right adherents have organized

Alt-right and Trump

Steve Bannon, who runs Breitbart.com, recently joined Trump's campaign as chairman.Last month, Bannon told Mother Jones magazine that Breitbart was "the platform for the alt-right" but he insisted the movement wasn't racist even if it has attracted some people who are.

Alt-right and Trump

Steve Bannon, who runs Breitbart.com, recently joined Trump's campaign as chairman.Last month, Bannon told Mother Jones magazine that Breitbart was "the platform for the alt-right" but he

GOP Pushback

Traditional Republicans and conservatives disavow some of what is seen as racism and anti-Semitism on behalf of the alt-right. Conservative New York Times columnist Ross Douthat pegged the alt-right as "racist pro-Trump Twitter accounts and anti-P.C. provacoteurs."

GOP Pushback

Traditional Republicans and conservatives disavow some of what is seen as racism and anti-Semitism on behalf of the alt-right. Conservative New York Times columnist Ross Douthat pegged the alt-right


Some long-standing backers of the GOP have defended the alt-right movement. A Fox News correspondent said the alt-right is more than a place for racists and anti-Semites. Talk show host Rush Limbaugh told a caller questioning the alt-right: "There is a thriving, youthful conservative emergence happening in this country. They may be borrowing from what's going on in Europe."


Some long-standing backers of the GOP have defended the alt-right movement. A Fox News correspondent said the alt-right is more than a place for racists and anti-Semites. Talk show host Rush Limbaugh

Political movements come and go in America, sometimes petering out, other times being absorbed or overtaking a mainstream party.What will happen with the alt-right once Trump's campaign is done? Trump could bring followers along if he follow through on talk of creating his own media company.

Political movements come and go in America, sometimes petering out, other times being absorbed or overtaking a mainstream party.What will happen with the alt-right once Trump's campaign is done?

Texas assistant principal writes 'Pepe the Frog' children's book

A Texas middle school assistant principal is defending himself from claims that his new children's book uses an Alt-Right hate symbol.

Eric Hauser with Denton ISD recently self-published "The Adventures of Pepe and Pede," a children's book with conservative themes. According to itsAmazon descriptionit's "an adventurous tale for all ages packed with patriotic prominence."

Hauser's book features "Pepe the frog," an internet meme that in recent years has been co-opted by the Alt-Right.

"Pede," the other character inHauser's book, is a centipede, a term that some Donald Trump supporters refer to themselves as.

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While Pepe the frog's origins are innocent a comic series started by artistMatt Furieturned meme its newfound use in certain dark circles has resulted in it being labeled as a hate symbol by The Anti-Defamation League.

Hauser told The Dallas Morning Newshe didn't know the character was a hate symbol until after the book came out.

"I think people will take that and then just assume negative, just assume bad things," Hauser told the paper. "That's unfortunate. I hate that."

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Mario Zavala, a spokesperson forDenton ISD, said the school district is aware ofHauser's new book.

"The book was written on his own time, using his own resources and is not affiliated with our curriculum or instruction," Zavala said in a statement. "Mr. Hauser's book and its contents belong to him and are not tied to our district."

Click through above to learn more about the Alt-Right movement in the U.S.

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Texas assistant principal writes 'Pepe the Frog' children's book - Chron.com

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