12 Reasons Why Liberals And Progressives Will Always Be Losers

The 21st century leftists have proven themselves to be utterly ignorant and incapable time and time again. And I believe there are specific reasons for this that has to do with their very core nature. The following demonstrates all the loser characteristics embedded in their psyches that draws the leftists to their equalist beliefs. And because they compensate their own shortcomings with their ideology rather improving themselves, it ultimately leads to a cycle of loserdom which they cannot escape from.

For the sake of simplicity, I will group liberals, progressives, SJWs, feminists, degenerates, and all the rest under the title of leftist.

I think Im beautiful, therefore I am.

The leftists are such losers that they do very little to take care of themselves. As well as being short-term thinking hedonists, they dont want to put any effort in life, so youll often see them eat unhealthy food and shun working out. This is why the leftist females tend to look like painted hogs while the men are usually low-T twigs. Youll also see them do little to dress properly or maintain their looks other than to exaggerate their own ugliness for attention and shock effect.

Leftists never take responsibility for their own lives. This is why they must constantly blame others for their problems, cry for resources and sympathy, and expect everyone else to respect them when they deserve none. Its no surprise that many of these individuals tend to be in favor of nanny-governments.

For every inch you give them, theyll ask for another mile.

Because they have no accountability, because theyve been coddled all their lives, and because they view themselves as victims who need to be compensated for, the leftists have the most deranged and shameless sense of entitlement. They seem to think that the world owes them everything, which is why they have such arrogant and hostile attitude towards everyone else. The whole concept of working to earn something for yourself is lost to them.

Instead of trying to be better and stronger, leftists prefer to rationalize their pitiful existence and turn their status as the oppressed into a source of pride. Because being a victim is such a coveted status, they dont seem to want to move on from their real or perceived victimhood by trying to improve themselves. This is why the leftists always behave like perpetual infants.

Brought to you by Soros and co.

As much as they claim to be against the elites and the established order, the leftists are the most reliant on those on top for their livelihood. Like the sucklings with no agency they are, the leftists depend on everyone else to take care of all their needs. This is also why they are so easy to manipulate into serving as the pawns of the elites.

Do you really think feminism and BLM would be able to continue on as they do without the Patriarchal and racist system tolerating and openly supporting their movements?

The leftists will always lose because they are arrogant enough to think that the spirit of times is on their side. With their smug faces, theyll tell you that its time for women to rule because its the current year. They truly believe that were all on a one-directional path towards some rainbow utopia where everyone lives in total peace and harmony. And they do so all the while berating everyone else they disagree as Neanderthals who are not getting on with the times.

Their flawed logic is as follows: A) Anything that challenges the status quo is progress, B) Progress is good for humanity, C) Challenging the status quo is therefore good. This is why they always target and assault the traditional order, ignoring the fact that it was exactly those time-tested values that enabled them the prosperity they take for granted.

The leftists are inferior in many waysand they know it. And for that reason, they need to spew hatred for anyone who is better than they are and pretend that theyre not interested in having the qualities they envy in secret.

The leftists hate healthy body, family, beauty, masculinity, honor, life, and more. If they see a strong and masculine white man, theyll feel threatened as they see him as an oppressor. If they see a beautiful, traditional woman, theyll spit venom as they see her as a traitor who is conforming to Patriarchal standards. Instead of trying to be decent themselves, they prefer to promote degeneracy while destroying all standards so that everyone can be equal losers rather than just themselves.

Leftists cannot escape their loserdom because they refuse to grow strong by facing challenges. Instead, these pampered children choose to shield their fragile feelings, only to dig themselves into a deeper hole. The more they guard their emotions, the more sensitive they become, and the more they demand others to meet their need for safety. This is why you see these spoiled brats clinging onto their infantile safe spaces, trigger warnings, and so on.

Because the leftists have a fixed mindset where they believe nothing can be changed through ones own effort, they expect everyone else to revolve around them. In their world, whites will always be privileged while blacks are oppressed due to slavery from generations ago. Rich will always be rich and poor will always be poor because the system is designed to be oppressive. Men will always be rapists and women will always be victims because of Patriarchy. Individual initiative doesnt exist to them, only the collective identity.

The ugly truth the leftists will never admit is that they secretly hate themselves. The somewhat normal ones have been conditioned to feel guilty about being white or masculine while the deviant oneseven as they pretend to be proud of their aberrant identitiesfeel guilty about their subnormal nature. This explains why suicide rate among the trans-whatevers is far above the normal population. Back home in Sodom, I had a gay friend who revealed to me that the majority of the homosexuals in the city were severely depressed and consumed excessive amounts of drugs and alcohol to sedate themselves.

The guilt is also why you see white people hating their own race to virtue signal, along with the male-feminist turds who bash other men like its going to get them laid. In a way, they have to direct all that negative energy onto others so that theyll stop hurting themselves.

Jonestown or SJWs protesting? Who cares, theyre both equally crazy.

The leftists have no respect for themselves as they are incapable of generating it within themselves. This explains why they constantly seek external approval by demanding that everyone else accept them just for being oppressed and praise them for promulgating ideas about equality. When you have no accomplishments and nothing of value to be proud of, the next best thing is to have politically correct opinions that youve been taught to have which requires no effort at all.

The leftists are usually unable to create anything worthwhile on their own, which is why they try to deconstruct what they dont like without offering any real alternative. And because of their destructive nature, they would rather shut down others from speaking than have a dialogue, theyll criticize those who makes things happen rather than do things on their own, and so on. They like to go against all that is sacred and tear things down for the sake of progress and ceaselessly challenge the norms without any tangible end goal in mind.

The leftists are their own worst enemies and the only way they ever win is when the opposition slips or fails to put up a fight. That said, I would like to leave a word of warning to all the readers here: Just because Brexit happened and Trump was elected, it doesnt mean the leftists will concede defeat and magically disappear from the society. Theyll cry even louder and try to be more disruptive than ever before. Eight years of Reagan and eight years of Bush didnt do away with these freaks, it only set the stage for them to return with greater fanaticism. Theyre already protesting en masse across the country, so dont let your guard downthe real fight hasnt even begun yet.

Read More: 6 Reasons Progressives, Leftists, And SJWs Are (Literally) Hitler

Nov 28, 2016Corey Savage

Original post:
12 Reasons Why Liberals And Progressives Will Always Be Losers

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