6 Reasons Progressives, Leftists, And SJWs Are (Literally …

For a long time, the political left has been on the rampage trying to call out Donald Trump as literally Hitler, obviously as an emotionally charged incentive to try to get (braindead) people to not vote for him. In many cases even his mere supporters have been grouped into the label as well!

However, little do progressives and SJWs know, there are six (at the minimum!) ways in which it is actually they who are far more closely associated with Nazism, rather than the various libertarian and right-wing groups they are always attacking.

So dont just sit back and take the punishment. Call them out and fight back!

The Hitler salute used in Nazi Germany

A wannabe-tough and Hitleresque salute used by Black Lives Matter and their leftist sympathizers

The Nazi salute or Hitler salute was a gesture used as a greeting to powerful Nazi officials, and to glorify the German nation under the Third Reich. The salute was performed by extending the right arm to at least eye level, and straightening the hand so that it is parallel to the arm.

The George Soros-funded domestic terrorist group Black Lives Matter, which has a great deal of sympathizers and supporters from the political left, has also adopted their own (ultimately meaningless) arm gesture. Conservatives, libertarians, and the Alt-Right simply dont bother with such try-hard tough and faux-fascist nonsense.

Progressives and SJWs are (literally) Hitler!

2. They Both Want Heavy Firearms Restrictions Or Outright Confiscation

In the build-up to Nazi Germany going on the war rampage, Hitler made damn sure that the non-military German populace (Jew and Gentile alike) would be thoroughly disarmed of any projectile firing weapons, as to prevent any kind of civilian insurrection or rebellion against his fascist regime.

Progressives and SJWs in the United States by and large hate guns, and repeatedly call for heavy restrictions on firearms or outright Hitler, Stalin, and Mao style confiscation.

On the other hand, conservatives, libertarians, and the Alt-Right (including neomasculinists) all respect and value the right to bear arms in order to stymie out-of-control criminality and keep government oppression in check. Not to mention its a damn good idea to have most of the population armed as a major deterrent against outside invaders.

Just ask Switzerland, who successfully avoided all of the chaos in Nazi-occupied Europe due to both their mountainous geography and by having the most strapped-up civilian population in all the land.

Progressives and SJWs are (literally) Hitler!

From Progressive website Alternet. Could have come straight out of Mein Kampf when talking about Jews.

Despite being responsible for about 95% of all major technological and medical advancements for the past 600 years, and the upholders or creators (along with Northeast Asians) of the most advanced infrastructure, high-income, low-corruption, politically stable, and peaceful countries on the planet (i.e. highly desired for migration for people of all races and colors around the world), progressives and SJWs almost never have anything positive to say about white males.

Every real or perceived societal issue must be caused by the white man and his supremacist outlook on life and his racist institutions, and no personal responsibility must be accepted for what plagues the African-American, Native American, or Chicano communities. The finger of righteous indignation can simply point straight back to heterosexual white males, who are privileged beyond all comparison.

(But please, keep it quiet that many Asian minority groups are economically outperforming white people and are being imprisoned far less per capita. Ok? Youll ruin the leftist narrative.)

In similar fashion, the Nazis blamed just about everything that caused pain to Germany on the mannerisms, behaviors, and business practices of Jews.

Nazi Germany: Jewness will explain away nearly anything.

Degenerate leftist outlets like Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, and MIC work day and night to humiliate, belittle, and blame white males for every perceived societal injustice, in the same way Nazi Germany blamed Jews for everything.

Progressives and SJWs are (literally) Hitler!

(2016 Alternate Universe: Black Lives Matter Protest And Beating Of Innocent Whites Begins At 0:42)

As part of the increasingly hostile treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, the Kristallnacht or crystal night was an evening in late 1938 where thousands of Jewish-owned businesses were destroyed or damaged in a coordinated act of malice. Additionally, several dozen Jews were murdered during the attacks and untold thousands were injured.

In the late 2010s, the progressive and SJW-supported Black Lives Matter have enacted several major protests (riots) in various cities across the United States which have seen hundreds of businesses burned or looted, and innocent white people who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time have been specifically targeted for violent reprisal. Because, you know, another police officer (whether white or black) must have shot and killed another black felon.

But what do the SJW leaders of Black Lives Matter like DeRay Mckesson have to say about these destructive and inherently anti-white rioters? We Stand With You.

Progressives and SJWs are (literally) Hitler!

5. They Both Use Incessant Goebbles-Style Propaganda To Push Their Bogus Narratives

Ok, so Goebbles isnt (literally) Hitler, but hes close enough to how the progressive and SJW media acts in the 2010s. Much like the Nazi propaganda machine of the 1930s, leftist media outlets continually push lie after lie after lie upon the masses. All in the hopes that it will eventually become, via sheer repetition alone, the truth in the minds of the emotion-driven sheeple.

Even though these lies, such as campus rape culture, the gender wage gap, and institutional racism in policing (all by-products of a supposed white supremacy and toxic masculinity) have been disproven and debunked time and time again, they simply double down and keep pushing the lies one thousand times over. Like the Nazis, SJWsjustdont..QUITwith the lies and endless propaganda.

On the other hand, the vast majority of conservatives, libertarians, and the Alt-Right are receptive to digesting actual facts about people and society. Untethered by the scourge of political correctness, and the scourge of favoring egalitarian feelings against factual analysis and data which may be discomforting to many.

Progressives and SJWs are (literally) Goebbles!

An SJW book burning rally against authors Roosh, Cernovich, Vox Day, and others.

Finally, the Nazis despised any concept of freedom of speech. There was a huge verboden (forbidden) list of books people could read, names which new parents could give to their children, and people who spoke out against the Nazi regime would be arrested, have their livelihoods destroyed, or even get disappeared altogether.

Modern day progressives and SJWs take great delight in doxing people out of their jobs (and thus potentially reducing them to destitute poverty) if their manner of speech, writings, or opinions do not march lock-step with the social justice narrative.

If you dont think transgenders are brave and gorgeous people, that homosexuality is the greatest thing since sliced bread, that Islam will culturally enrich the West, and that high black arrest rates are because of racist white cops, then you put your livelihood in great danger if you make those opinions public.

Most conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists, and Alt-Right adherents place great value on freedom of speech as one of the most prominent vanguards against tyranny. Progressives, SJWs, and the former Nazis of 1933-1945 do not share that sentiment.

(1:10 We live in a free country. And that is a powerful idea. Thats a magnificent way to live. But there is a price for that freedom, which is that sometimes we have to tolerate things that we dont necessarily like.)

Progressives and SJWs do not tolerate your freedom of speech.Progressives and SJWs are (literally) Hitler!

Now of course we know progressives and SJWs are not literally Hitler (we act on logic and reason rather than wild emotional fervor), but people who closely identify with those sets can start to eat their own words when they want to moronically accuse Donald Trump of being literally Hitler.

Their own way of life, and the master whom they will likely vote for (Hillary), are far more closely associated with Nazi-era behaviors than Donald Trump and his supporters ever will be.

Read More: Fake Conservative Megyn Kelly Exposes Her Anti-Trump Agenda During Presidential Debate

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6 Reasons Progressives, Leftists, And SJWs Are (Literally ...

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