Calling Progressives Alt-left Just Another Disgusting Attack by Democratic Establishment – The Ring of Fire Network

Progressives remember though they wish they didnt have to the repeated degradation of the progressive left during the 2016 campaign. The constant references to Bernie bros despite millions of decidedly female progressives. The constant insistence that left-wing Democrats must be willing to compromise with compromise meaning sit down, shut up, and be rational!

But though we are many, many months away from the contentious election and even more months away from the disastrous democratic primary, the continued degradation of the left by Democratic centrists only seems to fester. Ring of Fires Sydney Robinson discusses this.

In a Vanity Fair article published in the March Issue of the magazine, columnist James Wolcott attempted to reignite those same primary wounds by calling the far left the alt left, in mock reference to the alt-right.

Now if youre familiar with the so-called alt right, you know that the term is merely a softly-worded dog whistle for outright white supremacy and white nationalism. The likes of Richard Spencer and even the newly infamous Milo are associated with the term, as they advocate for the mass-murder of black Americans and work to out trans Americans on a national stage.

Basically, it is clear to everyone that to call someone the alt-right, is to conjure up images of violent, race-based crime. Theyre Nazis. Theyre the KKK.

So what has the far left done to deserve such a decidedly racial, extreme label? What have we done to deserve such a dark comparison?

Apparently, what really set off Mr. Wolcott was that a liberal writer, Eileen Jones, dared to write a less-than-positive piece about Meryl Streep in Jacobin Magazine. Jones piece, called Against Meryl Streep, argued that Streep made her criticism of Donald Trump all about the Hollywood elite, failing to grasp or acknowledge the real-life consequences of the mans presidency. No big deal, right?

Big. Deal. Apparently criticism of this level of a millionaire celebrity is somehow comparable to the hate of the alt-right or at least thats what Mr. Wolcott thought when he flippantly referred to the far-left as the alt left.

Mr. Wolcott then goes on to refer to the real plague of the left, so-called dude-bros, but the column he is criticism comes from a woman an inconvenient fact from the continually false narrative that it is white males who comprise the far left. Mr. Wolcott, it appears you have already been introduced to one female progressive via Mrs. Jones, but if you need another one, youre looking right at her. Decidedly female. Decidedly not a bro.

Now, Mr. Wolcott is not the first to use the cutesy term alt left, but progressives cannot allow the term to take hold in its current form the far left is concerned with comprehensive healthcare, campaign finance reform, social justice, criminal justice reform, police brutality, separation between church and state, getting wall street out of our government, affordable education, and providing a free and fair system for all.

Now please, Mr. Wolcott, explain to me how anything I just listed could in any way be compared to the violent, racist tactics of the alt-right?

You wont because you cant you, just like so many others, are still so angry that some liberals werent eager to back Clinton from the start that we would have the audacity to ask for MORE than what corporate Democrats would give us? The election was a long time ago, and this isnt about that at all this is about the respect that progressives deserve in the Democratic party and the moderate lefts refusal to grant that respect. Its about the fact that despite having lost everything, Democrats would rather roll over and beg for treats from the moderate right than even take a second look at the ideas of progressives and berniecrats.

Were not interested in being your hot take, and despite what you think you still need us. Badly.

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Calling Progressives Alt-left Just Another Disgusting Attack by Democratic Establishment - The Ring of Fire Network

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