– The Aggressive Progressives has learned that Trump Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch has fathered multiple children from extra-marital relationships, casting doubt on his honesty and likelihood of serving on the nations highest court.

In our exclusive interview, Gorsuch reluctantly admitted to his sexual transgressions. I know its wrong, he said, but it has taken me years to make peace with this awful affliction. People do not interest me, but corporations totally turn me on. I cant help it. Corporations are beautiful, beautiful people and they have the right to exercise their religious and sexual beliefs.

Gorsuch supports unlimited corporate dirty talk, unconstrained by campaign finance limitations. In any conflict between individual rights and those of huge corporate enterprises, Gorsuch has always favored business interests.

Yes, Gorsuch admitted on his doorstep, accompanied by his wife, I was tempted by some mature, sophisticated corporations and I was seduced. I deeply regret being in bed with corporate powers, but I am a responsible man and I will step up and support the children that have come from these illicit liaisons.

These shocking revelations cast doubt on Gorsuchs impartiality with regard to corporate power. Im a Constitutional originalist, he asserted as his wife looked on, I think that marriage should be between a man and a flesh-and-blood corporation. At a closer look, discovered that his wife was, in fact, a large stack of incorporation papers.

Go here to read the rest: - The Aggressive Progressives

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