Energized by the resistance, surge of progressives express interest in running for office – Daily Kos

In GA-06, for instance, DemocratJon Ossoff's $8.3 million war chest isn't exactly a product of relentless candidate call times. Sure, Ossoff hasput in a stellar effort. But his candidacy took flight in unimaginable ways both inside the district and among small-dollar donors. (Tune in on April 18!)

But it's not just Georgia. In Montana, Rob Quist has raised $1.3 million for his congressional bid without accepting any money from lobbyists for corporate PACs. Republicans are so unnerved by Democratic traction in deep red states that a GOPSuper PAC was already taking aim at Quist last month in advance of the May 25 special election.

And did you catch that Kansas special election Tuesday where the Democratic candidate came out of nowhere to narrow the usual 30-plus point gap down to single digits?

So yeah, running for Congress isn't easy. But this upcoming cycle could be like no other for Democrats,for decadesto come.

The good news isheightened interest will make it much harder for the Democraticconsultant class to christen their preferred candidates to the exclusion of everyone else.

Bustos and her colleagues in the Illinois delegation gathered for dinner earlier this month to discuss how, with so many potential candidates, theyd land the best candidates in tough districts. Theyve decided to take a wait-and-see approach to watch who puts in the time and surrounds themselves with good teams.

Clearing the field is going to be a more difficult endeavor, said Balaban, the Pennsylvania consultant.

Finally, keep the option of running for state office in mind.

EMILYs List knows that many of the 10,000 women who have approached them this winter wont run for Congress or even for any office this cycle. But the abortion rights group is excited about building a bench for the future.

And with redistricting at play soon, some liberals believe its even more important to channel Democratic enthusiasm toward the state level.

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Energized by the resistance, surge of progressives express interest in running for office - Daily Kos

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