Excellent Ocean Beach and San Diego August Calendars for Progressives – OB Rag
The OB Rag has access to two excellent progressive calendars for August, one from the OB Green Center and the other from Doug Porter at our online partner, the San Diego Free Press. And were republishing both of them below (there is some duplication):
August Events at the Ocean Beach Green Center
Ocean Beach Green Center, 4843 B Voltaire Street, Ocean Beach 92107 oceanbeachgreencenter@gmail.com619.225.1083
August 9th Wednesday Film 7:00 p.m. Minimalism: A DocumentaryAbout theImportant ThingsHow might your life be better with less?This 2016 documentary by Matt DAvellaexamines the many flavors of minimalism by taking the audience inside the lives of minimalists from all walks of life families, entrepreneurs, architects, artists, journalists, scientists, and even a former Wall Street broker all of whom are striving to live a meaningful life with less. Informational/take-action handouts provided. Free of charge
August 24th Thursday 7:00 pm Save Peninsula Trees meetingPlease help us green Ocean Beach and contribute to the cities goal of meeting our Climate Action Plan. Learn about how to protect the trees we have and plant more trees in Ocean Beach. At this meeting we will be discussing and looking for volunteers to help with the Shade Tree Brigade that tentatively starts Sept 23rd. It involves walking door to door on street segments preselected for planting potential to tell our neighbors the good news that they can get free trees and free plantings just by agreeing to water them until they are established. Check out the awesome Tree Advocacy Handbook on our website and watch the segment from the KPBS series, A Growing Passion, about OB.http://video.kpbs.org/ video/3000480232/(OB is about 17 minutes into the program but the whole program is great). More info:savepeninsulatrees@ outlook.com
If you live in Ocean Beach or Point Loma and you are interested in Permaculture Design for your home, business or schoolplease call Amelia Roach at619-517-8723or emailher atharmonyagent88@gmail.com. She is interested in holding a series of small group classes in exchange for her design support. She designs with patterns found in nature and existing elements to arrive at appropriate solutions for effective design and implementation of regenerative systems. She was the presenter at are last film night which showed Inhabit: a Permaculture Perspective which drew are largest crowd ever.
August Events NOT at the Ocean Beach Green Center
Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. Aug 5th, Aug 12th, Aug 26th. Climate Mobilization Coalition MeetingOcean Beach Peoples Cooperative Community Room, 4765 Voltaire Street Second Floor. Come help plan for the upcoming Climate Action events.Contact:oceanbeac hgreencenter@gmail.com
August 4th Friday 6:30 pm Join the Climate Mobilization Coalition for a viewing of the newly released Al Gore film An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,AMCFashion Valley 7037 Friars Rd. More info:oceanbeachgreencenter@ gmail.com
August 9th Wednesday 6:30 pm to 9 pmNext Steps to Independent Civilian Oversight of SDPDGrassroots Oasis, 3130 Moore Street. San Diego 92110Women Occupy San Diego has been part of an alliance seeking a more independent civilian SDPD oversight board for several years. WOSD is continuing their advocacy for more changes to the City Charter to make the CRB more independent:More info:https://www.facebook. com/events/154785971751547/?ac tive_tab=about
August 11th Friday 6:30Sierra Club Film NightThe People Speak8304 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard #101, San Diego, CA 92111Using dramatic and musical performances of the letters, diaries, and speeches of everyday Americans,The People Speakfocuses on the concept of democracy based on the lives and experiences of ordinary Americans who, through their words and actions, changed the course of history. This groundbreaking documentary illustrates the relevance of these passionate historical moments to our society today, reminding us that democracy is not a spectator sport and that liberty must never be taken for granted. A journey from the founding of this country to the civil rights movement and beyond, this film uses star power to celebrate democracy, serving to re-create the emotional impact of these moments in history.More info: Jean Costa619-463-0721orellenshi vely@sbcglobal.net
August 12th Saturday 10 am to noon. No Housing/No Choice: the faces of the Housing Crisis,3130 Moore Street San Diego 92110Confronting the myths of the Housing and Homelessness Crisis by presenting the True Stories of Real People and growing a grassroots Housing Movement. Various Speakers affected by the Housing and Homeless Crisis. Voices of the City Choir will perform.An Open Mic, allowing those affected by the crisis to speak. More info:https://www.facebook.c om/events/1760839290874606/
August 15th Tuesday 6:30 pm (doors open) 7 pm film starts) Women Occupy San Diego Film Night presents Paper Tigers a film by James Redford & Karen Pritzker.Womens Museum of California, 2730 Historic Decatur Road Barracks 16, San Diego 92106A timely film about restorative practices in schools just as San Diego public schools promise to move from criminal to restorative justice for our kids.
It is here, at the crossroads of at-risk teens and trauma-informed care, thatPaper Tigerstakes root. Set within and around the campus of Lincoln Alternative High School in the rural community of Walla Walla, Washington,Paper Tigersasks the following questions: What does it mean to be a trauma-informed school? And how do you educate teens whose childhood experiences have left them with a brain and body ill-suited to learn? In search of clear and honest answers,Paper Tigershinges on a remarkable collaboration between subject and filmmaker. Armed with their own cameras and their own voices, the teens ofPaper Tigersoffer raw but valuable insight into the hearts and minds of teens pushing back against the specter of a hard childhood. Against the harsh reality of truancy, poor grades, emotional pain, and physical violence, answers begin to emerge. The answers do not come easily. Nor can one simply deduce a one-size-fits-all solution to a trauma-informed education. But there is no denying something both subtle and powerful at work between teacher and student alike: the quiet persistence of love. more info athttp://kpjrfilms.co/paper-t igers/
August 16th Wednesday 4:30 pm to 7:00 pmGreen Business Solutions.Workshop at Liberty StationHoffman Room of the San Diego Foundation building. Join I Love A Clean San Diego for an informational and interactive session focusing on zero waste business practices. We will identify the importance of a zero waste lifestyle, how to implement these practices in your business, and the environmental and economic benefits of going green. Whether you work in an office, a restaurant, or in retail, we will have valuable information for all business models. This will be a great opportunity to network and share ideas for creating a more eco-conscious workspace.More info:http://www.ilacsd.org/ event/green-business- solutions-workshop-2/
August 16th Wednesday5:30 PMthrough8:00 PM Solar for Homeowners4760 Claremont Mesa Blvd. San Diego 92117 Experts from the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) will explain the fundamentals of solar electricity and solar water heating, andshare valuable consumer awareness tips that can help you feel more confident when evaluating solar technology for your home. More info:http://energycenter. org/events
August 18th 6 pm to August 21st 6 am Fast for the Climate.Edward J. Schwartz Federal Building, 880 Front St. San Diego 92101Join the Climate Mobilization Coalition as they fast to bring attention to the climate crisis and demand that the US government get off fossil fuels and onto clean, safe, wind, water and solar renewable energy.You can fast for however long you want or not at all and just be support for those that do. We will be spending the night Friday, Saturday and Sunday with the permission of the authorities. There will be access to bathroom facilities. More details to follow. Contact: Derek and Nancy Casady858-457-0246dcasady@ outlook.com
August 19th Saturday 9 am to 8 pmCelebrating and Supporting Wild Willow FarmWild Willow Farm & Education Center2550 Sunset Avenue, San Diego 92154Farming is all about food, and food is best when shared with community, so what better way to say that than by hosting a monthly community gathering? On third Saturdays each month from May through October, we open the doors forclasses, volunteering, yoga, tours, food and more.Not only are we raising funds that keep our operations gates open, on these days, Wild Willow gives thanks to our amazing community of students, volunteers, educators, fans and eaters of every stripe. Familiar faces and new smiles are always welcome to these joyous gatherings that include educational workshops, volunteer activities, farm tour, and more. Suggested Donation: $10(with work-trade and upgrade options) More info:http://www. sandiegoroots.org/farm/ openhouse-potluck.php
August 19th Saturday 11 am to 1 pm San Diego Fix it ClinicBancroft Center for Sustainability,3845 Spring DrSpring Valley,CA91910Wehave been all too accustomed to the throw away lifestyle. If something doesnt work, throw it out and buy a new one. Because of this behavior our landfills are filling at a rapid rate and electronic waste has become the one of the largest pollution generators. So why not learn how to fix it?! Bring your broken, non-functioning things: electronics, appliances, computers, toys, bicycles, clothes, etc. for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. Well provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance More info:http://zerowastesandiego .org/events/
Saturday, August 5, 9:30am200 Civic Center Drive (Vista)Morris B. Vance Community RoomFor More Information (RSVP)Hosted by Take Back the 49th
We warmly invite you to join our Rally and 49th District Precinct Walk with Sea Change volunteers. For this weeks walk we are honored to be in partnership with Sea Change volunteers from Rep. Karen Bass congressional district (CA-37).
Together our neighbors, our community, and our elected officials are working together to organize our neighbors and identify 75,000 voters that are ready to Flip the 49th!
Saturday, August 5, 1:30pmMuslim Community Center of San Diego14698 Via FiestaFor More Information
We will prepare 150 sack lunches and drop them off at the Interfaith Community Services homeless shelter in Escondido. By delivering these lunches we are helping individuals and families in their efforts towards self-sufficiency.
In partnering with other organization in San Diego, we can work towards providing a positive lasting change to the homeless population. All you need to do is show up at MCC. Anybody and everybody is welcome.
Saturday, August 5, 4:30pmPrivate Residence (Point Loma)Address Emailed Upon Sign UpFor More Information Event by San Diego Indivisible Downtown Group
We will be running a New Voter Registration training session on Saturday, August 5th at 4:30 PM. One of our members will be hosting the event at their home in Point Loma and delivering the training. A representative from the Scott Peters for Congress office will also be in attendance to assist in the training. We expect the event to take about one hour. There will be a presentation, handouts and a sample voter registration form for you. We are looking to train between 15 and 20 people at this event and our goal is get enough members trained and ready so that we can start running our own events at targeted locations. Please RSVP soon, as space will be limited to the first 20 people that sign up.
Saturday, August 5, 8amLocations in San Diego, North County & Santa AnnaFor More Information (RSVP)Hosted by BORDER ANGELS
Volunteers go out to meet with Day Laborers at sites around San Diego, to distribute information regarding their rights, access to services (such as immigration advice, language courses etc) as well as distributing food, water and hygiene items.
Food + Drink for yourself Food + Drink to distribute to day laborers (Bags of Fruit/Vegetables, Granola Bars, 12 Oz bottles of drink, pre made sandwiches etc)-Any Other donations will be helpful but not required such as clothing and blankets (shirts/jackets/sweaters/pants/socks/underwear). Backpacks as well will be much appreciated.
Saturday, August 5, 8am-NoonPlanned Parenthood Offices2017 First Avenue (Bankers Hill)For More Information
Come join us for our monthly counter protest at Planned Parenthood. Clinic on 1st ave. Come anytime from 8am-12pm, however we are better in numbers together. We were outnumbered severely last time, so PLEASE come.
Saturday, August 5, Non-4pmThe Peoples Lot1764 National Avenue (Barrio Logan)For More InformationHosted by People over Profits-SD and 2 others
We will be selling plates for a $10 donation.. You will have a choice of 1 meat (carne asada, ribs, or gumbo) and 2 sides (potato salad, greens, or yams). Vegan Hotdogs will be available for those who do not eat meat. Dessert for $3 and Beverages for $1. There will also be a raffling off of a few prizes which will be from 2pm-3pm. Raffle tickets are $3 each.
Please come out and show your support and share this event. The wife of Victor Ortega, killed by Officer McCartney of the San Diego Police Dept on June 4th, 2012 is in need of our support in raising the money to continue fighting for justice for her husband. Earlier this year a jury sided with the officer finding him not guilty.. The judge then refused to waive the fees associated with the appeal process.. She was able to raise the money to file the appeal but now is in need of raising money to obtain legal representation to fight her case.
Saturday, August 5, 1pmEscondido Public Library239 South Kalmia (Escondido)For More InformationHosted by North County Climate Change Alliance
Join us for an eye-opening, inspiring, and nonpartisan afternoon with keynote speaker, environmental advocate, former photojournalist and wildlife guide, Eve Simmons. Shell bring a blast of hard realities and pragmatic optimism. Sourcing the worlds top experts, Eve brings awareness, humor and hope to the climate challenges we face and explores the many solutions at hand.
Saturday, August 5, 4pmLiving Coast Discovery Center1000 Gunpowder Point Drive (Chula Vista)For More InformationHosted by Living Coast Discovery Center
Join us for the 8th annual Farm to Bay fundraiser, a unique tasting event that supports coastal wildlife, education, and sustainability programs at the Living Coast.
This fundraiser is perfect for:
Get your tickets today through Facebook or at http://www.farmtobay.eventbrite.com
Saturday, August 5, 9am Sunday August 6, 3pmEducational Cultural Complex4343 Ocean View BoulevardFor More Information Hosted by Pillars of the Community San Diego
Pillars of the Communitys Document Me Conference is day of brainstorming and strategizing on how to fight this systematic injustice by the people closest to the pain.
It is our hope to get personal experts at the table so that we can have an authentic and robust discussion about all the tools it takes to fight the devastating impacts of gang documentation, gang injunctions, and gang conspiracy laws. Our panels and break-out discussion topics will include the implementation of new legislation such as AB 2298, the criminilization of culture and narrative, creating accountability for law enforcement, and the power of Black/Brown unity. It is a free event but there is limited space available so please register today!https://www.eventbrite.com/myevent?eid=36029267509
Monday, August 7, 6pm210 East Park Avenue (Escondido)For More Information
NCLDs purpose is to empower the Latino community in North County via civic engagement, protection of our civil rights, grassroots organizing, voter registration, election of Latino candidates at all levels to ensure representative government, and supporting Latino elected officials and others who are committed to our Latino goals and communities.
Tuesday, August 8, 5pmSan Diego County Administration Administration Center1600 Pacific Highway, Room 302/303For More Information
Several members of the Impeachment March SD planning group (and others) have been meeting on a weekly basis to address the concerns regarding the Sheriff Departments response to the Proud Boys' aggressive behavior and attempts to incite violence at our July 2nd event. We have compiled info and documentation from many of you who felt unsafe at the event, via our online survey. Our group will be strongly stating our collective concerns during the Public Comment portion of the agenda
We invite you to show up at this meeting as a show of your support for our efforts to hold the Sheriffs Department accountable for their seeming lack of action to protect us all at our event. The Public Comment portion of the meeting is item #8 on the Agenda. During our 5-minutes of public comment, we will also request to have this issue placed on the next CLERB meeting agenda (October) in order to further address the important issue of public safety at protest events.
Tuesday, August 8, 10am1800 Thibodo Road #310 (Vista)
Weekly gathering to hold Congressman Darrell Issa accountable to all his constituents. We are making a difference! Issa is feeling the heat. Lets do this!
Wednesday, August 9, 6:30pmGrassroots Oasis3130 Moore Street (Nr Old Town)For More InformationHosted by Community Review Board on Police Practices
Women Occupy San Diego is continuing our advocacy for more changes to the City Charter to make the CRB more independent, as recently reported by the SD Union-Tribune:
Just last week, as part of public comments during the boards meeting, a member of Women Occupy San Diego said the group plans to lead an effort to make the board independent.
How in the world can the community have any trust in the process? she asked board members, alluding to the panels ties to the Police Department and City Attorneys Office.
The Legal Team for WOSDs CRB Reform Committee has updated our proposed Ballot Measure from last year to incorporate lessons learned and current conditions. During this meeting, we will present this draft Ballot Measure, answer questions, and lead a discussion on Next Steps to accomplish this in 2018. Light Refreshments will be offered. Lots of free street parking, just a few blocks west of the Trolley and bus hub at Old Town Transit Center.
Wednesday, August 9, 7pmCity of Santee10601 North Magnola AvenueFor More InformationHosted by Climate Action Campaign
Tired of SDG&Es skyrocketing rates? Ask your city council to establish cleaner, lower cost competition Community Choice Energy (CCA). SDG&E/SEMPRA shills are already trying to stop it, so it wont happen without you assertively asking your city council for cleaner power with lower rates through Community Choice Energy.
Thursday, August 10, 6:30pmCollege-Rolanda Library 6600 Montezuma RoadHosted by Showing Up for Racial Justice
Sometimes even when were doing work in one area of social justice, we can have blind spots about other issues. Just like we see racism playing out day-to-day, we often see sexism being carried over into racial justice work. Come hear guest speaker Bree Davis inform us on common pitfalls and how to avoid them, so that we can work toward our goal of equality for all. All are welcome, particularly first-timers. Parking is in the back, via Bowman Lane and Mohawk Street.
Thursday, August 10, 5:30pm Olivewood Clubhouse 541 East 24th Street (National City) For More Information (Tickets)
We hope you are able to join us at the Students for Economic Justice Graduation to celebrate the SEJ Fellows, the sites who mentored the fellows, and the SEJ community who support this summer fellowship. For the past six weeks, the SEJ Fellows have had the opportunity to learn and grow collectively into organizers committed to social justice. We are excited that SEJ serves as the space to cultivate organizers who want to change San Diego into a city that respects and honors the dignity of working families and communities of color.
This is a free event. Kids and families are welcome 🙂 We will have food and beverages available!
Saturday, August 12, 6am-5pmRun Begins: Movin Shoes Running Center897 S Coast Highway 101 #103 (Encinitas)Walk Begins: Pepper Park3299 Tidelands Avenue (National City)Finish Line: Marina View Park900 Marina Parkway (Chula Vista)For More InformationRunners & Walkers SignupVolunteers Signup
Come out on Saturday August 12th and join Run 4 All Women California for a day of activism and action, in support of Planned Parenthood! Choose a leg of our 40-mile coastal run from Encinitas to Chula Vista, or join the 4-mile walk to the finish. Dont want to run or walk? Check out the course map, and come cheer us on! Friends, family, and allies can gather at the Chula Vista Marina View Park to greet runners and walkers as they finish their journey, and raise our voices together in solidarity.
Saturday, August 12, 10amGrassroots Oasis3130 Moore Street For More InformationHosted by San Diego Housing Emergency Alliance
Confronting the myths of the Housing and Homelessness Crisis by presenting the True Stories of Real People and growing a grassroots Housing Movement.
Saturday, August 12, 10am1234 N Santa Fe Avenue (Vista)Tickets required Hosted by Democratic Club of Vista
Meet the 3 Democrats; Doug Applegate, Paul Kerr and Mike Levin, who are going to put Issa out of a job. We will have a moderator from The League of Women Voters ask questions submitted by the community.
Saturday, August 12, 12:30pmEncinitas Library540 Cornish Avenue
Speakers at our August 12 meeting. **Deborah Cunningham-Skurnik (Director for District 18) will be speaking on Club Delegates and Pre-Endorsing Conference **Tasha Boerner-Horvath (Encinitas District Council Member): Bill AB 805 (Transportation Agency Bill) **Bill Kuhn will give an Overview on Neighborhood in Action Training to Flip Congressional District 49 **Candidate Elizabeth Warren (Assembly District 76) campaigning against Rocky Chavez in 2018 **Candidate Joe Masco (Incumbent and Candidate for Encinitas City Council) in 2018 **Club endorsement has been requested for bill AB 805, hence this invitation will serve as a notice for endorsement.
Saturday, August 12, 11amOtay Ranch Public Library2015 Birch Road (Chula Vista)For More Information (RSVP)
Join me and Chula Vista City Manager, Gary Halbert, at The Hub at the Otay Ranch Library for a Q&A session on all things related to the University Park & Innovation District.
Sunday, August 13, 2pmMission Bay Park2688 East Mission Bay DriveFor More Information
You can leave your bullhorns & signs at home this time lolol. Lets make it a potluck, so bring something delicious to share, towels, bathing suits, umbrellas and if you have lawn or beach games bring them too. Leonard, our dependable rock, will bring long tables & gazebo cover.
Bring your children, family & like minded friends to party on beautiful mission bay beach with us ! Lets take a break & recharge together . We sure deserve it!
Monday, August 14, 6pmElijahs Restaurant7061 Clairemont Mesa BoulevardFor More Information
Come to our August meeting, where will be discussing and voting on several endorsements, including SB 562, the District 4 Board of Supervisors, and the Peoples Platform!
Activists with MoveOn, Public Citizen, and Indivisible San Diego (among others) are laying the groundwork for local responses to actions the President may take along these lines.
Via Facebook:
We will be in a constitutional crisis for real and will have to be ready to make some noise! The protest happens immediately if and when Trump fires Mueller.
We will gather with pots and pans to bang, and food, water and chairs to stay for a few hours. We will also present a letter to our members of Congress, urging them to pass legislation designating a special prosecutor that Trump cant fire.
In downtown San Diego, the site of protests is currently the US District Court Building at 333 West Broadway5 to 8pm daily. (More info)
In Escondido, the site of protests is slated to be near the Westfield North County Mall, 272 East Via Rancho Parkway5 to 8pm daily. (More info)
See the rest here:
Excellent Ocean Beach and San Diego August Calendars for Progressives - OB Rag
- OPINION: Labor, progressives, and the politics of the West Side - 48 Hills - March 5th, 2025 [March 5th, 2025]
- Adriana E. Ramrez: Progressives should admit that Donald Trump might do something right - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - March 3rd, 2025 [March 3rd, 2025]
- Decades of pandering to progressives have left both BP and Unilever at a loss - The Telegraph - March 3rd, 2025 [March 3rd, 2025]
- Progressives tap a rising star to deliver their response to Trump - POLITICO - March 1st, 2025 [March 1st, 2025]
- Two Santa Ana progressives make bids for the 68th Assembly District - Los Angeles Times - March 1st, 2025 [March 1st, 2025]
- The great rethink and the opportunity for progressives - Nation.Cymru - March 1st, 2025 [March 1st, 2025]
- Progressives Say They Want Clean Energy. They Held Up This Hydro Project for Years. - POLITICO - February 25th, 2025 [February 25th, 2025]
- Meet the 'old-school Democrat' defying warped progressives to make his Southern city boom now Trump's back - Daily Mail - February 25th, 2025 [February 25th, 2025]
- Progressives go silent on court-packing with Trump in office - Washington Examiner - February 25th, 2025 [February 25th, 2025]
- Can progressives and moderates bridge the growing divide in the Democratic Party? - College of Social Sciences and Humanities - February 25th, 2025 [February 25th, 2025]
- Progressives say they are prepared to take charge over any ministry in Latvia - bnn-news.com - February 25th, 2025 [February 25th, 2025]
- Can progressives and moderates bridge the growing divide in the Democratic Party? - Northeastern University - February 25th, 2025 [February 25th, 2025]
- FTC Push for State Media Shows Progressives Need to Spend on Local Media - Daily Kos - February 25th, 2025 [February 25th, 2025]
- For progressives, humanitarian values apply to everyone, except the Jews - JNS.org - February 25th, 2025 [February 25th, 2025]
- Cowardly Kathy Hochul caves to progressives on punishing Eric Adams (and his voters) - New York Post - February 25th, 2025 [February 25th, 2025]
- How Progressives Broke the Government - The Atlantic - February 18th, 2025 [February 18th, 2025]
- Its too late for progressives to be careful what they wish for - Danville Commercial News - February 18th, 2025 [February 18th, 2025]
- Progressives Flood Senator Schumers Peekskill Office -Demand A Fight Against Trump & Musk - Yonkers Times - February 18th, 2025 [February 18th, 2025]
- Trump's Ideas Aren't Crazy, They've Just Shaken Progressives - Newsmax - February 14th, 2025 [February 14th, 2025]
- How Progressives Froze the American Dream - MSN - February 14th, 2025 [February 14th, 2025]
- Opinion: George Will: Its too late for progressives to be careful what they wish for - Longmont Times-Call - February 14th, 2025 [February 14th, 2025]
- How Progressives Froze the American Dream - The Atlantic - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- Opinion | Its too late for progressives to be careful what they wish for - The Washington Post - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- Progressives Sickening Embrace of the PFLP - Commentary Magazine - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- Progressives demanding NYC fight ICE are at war with reality - New York Post - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- Higher taxes on millionaires and a $20 minimum wage: What else are RI progressives proposing? - The Providence Journal - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- Musk cuts waste and progressives melt down. He must be on the right track. I Opinion - USA TODAY - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- How U.S. progressives broke the administrative state, according to Marc J. Dunkelman - NPR - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- Progressives should cheer Trumps FBI purge The bureau bullied antiwar radicals like my father - UnHerd - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- Progressives let hatred of Trump push them over the edge. It's truly sad to see. | Opinion - USA TODAY - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- Progressives demanding NYC fight ICE are at war with reality - MSN - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- ASU progressives worry about tech oligopoly in Trumps second term - The College Fix - February 12th, 2025 [February 12th, 2025]
- "Solidarity is the antidote to fascism": Progressives organize Treasury protest over Musk takeover - Yahoo! Voices - February 5th, 2025 [February 5th, 2025]
- "There is no common ground with fascists": Progressives rip Klobuchar's call for bipartisanship - Salon - February 5th, 2025 [February 5th, 2025]
- Opinion | Progressives Wont Help the Working Class by Abandoning Marginalized Groups - Common Dreams - February 5th, 2025 [February 5th, 2025]
- "Solidarity is the antidote to fascism": Progressives organize Treasury protest over Musk takeover - Salon - February 5th, 2025 [February 5th, 2025]
- Opinion - A kicked DOGE hollers: Progressives telling response to an agency cutting spending - AOL - February 5th, 2025 [February 5th, 2025]
- Chicago alderman accuses Mayor Johnson only listening to 'hyper-White liberal progressives' on immigration - Fox8tv - February 5th, 2025 [February 5th, 2025]
- Trump and Musks Agenda Is a True Threat to Aviation Safety, Progressives Warn - Truthout - February 1st, 2025 [February 1st, 2025]
- Jonathan Scott: How progressives lost rural Canadaand what they should do now - The Hub - February 1st, 2025 [February 1st, 2025]
- New York magazine shows progressives are losing the culture war - UnHerd - January 30th, 2025 [January 30th, 2025]
- New Unity and Progressives give up and decide to support Kazks to lead Bank of Latvia - bnn-news.com - January 30th, 2025 [January 30th, 2025]
- Opinion | Our Democracy Is in Peril, But Progressives Are Poised to Lead Its Revival - Common Dreams - January 27th, 2025 [January 27th, 2025]
- Progressives Are Done With Eric Adams. Can They Elect One of Their Own? - The New York Times - January 27th, 2025 [January 27th, 2025]
- Progressives' meltdown over Trump's first actions show exactly why he won | Opinion - USA TODAY - January 26th, 2025 [January 26th, 2025]
- Andrew Perez: My fellow progressives youve been lied to about Israel - National Post - January 26th, 2025 [January 26th, 2025]
- Memo to Big-City Progressives: Get Back to Basics - Governing - January 26th, 2025 [January 26th, 2025]
- Californias Wildfires and the Battle Between Populists and Progressives - Australian Institute of International Affairs - January 26th, 2025 [January 26th, 2025]
- Streeting heckled as he urges progressives to fight the populist right - The Independent - January 26th, 2025 [January 26th, 2025]
- Trumps political resurrection sends three warnings to Hollywood, media, progressives - Washington Times - January 26th, 2025 [January 26th, 2025]
- Streeting heckled as he urges progressives to fight the populist right - Evening Standard - January 26th, 2025 [January 26th, 2025]
- Streeting heckled as he urges progressives to fight the populist right - AOL UK - January 26th, 2025 [January 26th, 2025]
- Streeting heckled as he urges progressives to fight the populist right - MSN - January 26th, 2025 [January 26th, 2025]
- Trump inauguration: is this the end for progressives in America? - Channel 4 News - January 26th, 2025 [January 26th, 2025]
- Progressives Hate Jimmy Carters Best Accomplishments - National Review - January 1st, 2025 [January 1st, 2025]
- Jaime Watt: Advice to progressives: Public rage is real and the politics of joy is dead - Toronto Star - January 1st, 2025 [January 1st, 2025]
- Why progressives should talk to their enemies Jesse Jackson understood the power of persuasion - UnHerd - January 1st, 2025 [January 1st, 2025]
- Five reasons for progressives to take hope and stay engaged in 2025 - NC Newsline - January 1st, 2025 [January 1st, 2025]
- 5 reasons for progressives to be hopeful, engaged in 2025 - Restoration NewsMedia - January 1st, 2025 [January 1st, 2025]
- Progressives like Greg Casar remain politically out of touch, reader says - San Antonio Express-News - January 1st, 2025 [January 1st, 2025]
- Progressives Hate Jimmy Carters Best Accomplishments - AMAC Official Website - Join and Explore the Benefits - January 1st, 2025 [January 1st, 2025]
- Bill Maher's foul-mouthed rant at progressives who shun conservative loved ones over the holidays - Daily Mail - January 1st, 2025 [January 1st, 2025]
- Is the Seattle City Council 'toxic' for progressives. Newly elected Alexis Mercedes Rinck is about to find out - KUOW News and Information - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- Congressional Progressives New Leader Thinks Times on His Side - The Dispatch - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- Opinion | Progressives shouldnt avoid the hard conversations they need to win - The Washington Post - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- Its fine to recall progressives, but not a conservative supervisor? Ask the Chron - 48 Hills - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- Progressives Under Pressure: Confronting the Gradual Rise of Authoritarianism - Social Europe - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- Progressives flee X for Bluesky, where they can harass others in peace - New York Post - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- Opinion | Progressives should defend Bidens legacy to protect their future - The Washington Post - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- Letters to the Editor: Progressives mandate is overstated; Boulder can be model supporting youth - Boulder Daily Camera - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- Where Will Progressives Go from Here? Tyler Syck - Law & Liberty - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- Progressives push for preemptive action on Trump 2.0 - POLITICO - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- AOC, other progressives condemn violence but suggest justification for killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO - Fox News - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- Both conservatives and progressives are paying attention to Jeong Hyeong-sik, who was designated as - - December 16th, 2024 [December 16th, 2024]
- To lead the resistance on Capitol Hill, progressives in D.C. are turning to a Texan - San Antonio Report - December 10th, 2024 [December 10th, 2024]
- Progressives Want Democratic Party Reform with Bold Working-Class Agenda - West Orlando News - December 10th, 2024 [December 10th, 2024]
- Progressives must Act to Protect the most Vulnerable: mere Resistance to Trump is not Enough - Informed Comment - December 10th, 2024 [December 10th, 2024]
- 2027: APGA ready for alliance with fellow progressives Ezeokenwa - Vanguard - December 10th, 2024 [December 10th, 2024]
- Progressives Plan for Handling Trump Is Too Clever to Work - New York Magazine - December 4th, 2024 [December 4th, 2024]
- Progressives must unite to see off the far right - The Guardian - December 4th, 2024 [December 4th, 2024]