For progressives, the debate is over – Chicago Tribune

Radical progressive Democrats have resorted to their old playbook: If you lose at the voting box, you then protest, demonstrate, sue in court, hold up the president's Cabinet picks, do everything to divide people, and stifle Donald Trumps presidency.

When the country looks for unity, the radicals drive a wedge between progressives and those who believe in America First.

Radicals want open borders, and if you disagree, they label you anti-immigrant, racist or worse. It's the same way with the radical approach to climate change; anyone who does not adhere to their theory is labeled a denier. Whatever happened to debate? The radical approach is: The debate is over!

Radical progressives lost an election. Get used to it with the power struggle over the borders, climate change, health care, judicial nominations and much more. In the name of unity, progressives should now do what they can to hold on to what power they have left by reaching out to President Trump. Do what's good for the country and leave the radical element of the party behind.

Tom Ploski, Mount Prospect

For progressives, the debate is over - Chicago Tribune

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