Froma Harrop: If you want change, look to the states – Sat, 08 Nov 2014 PST

The Republican takeover of the Senate majority really shouldnt matter much to progressives. Even when Democrats have the majority, precious little gets done in a body that lets a minority of membersobstruct.

But never mind. A modern, future-oriented agenda has been advancing on the state level as progressive governors rush into the vacuum of inaction left by Washington. And its supporters are not just Democrats but also independents and Republicans who respect mainstream science and regard the working poor as something more than cheaplabor.

Thus, we see victories for universal health coverage, higher minimum wages, the fight

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The Republican takeover of the Senate majority really shouldnt matter much to progressives. Even when Democrats have the majority, precious little gets done in a body that lets a minority of membersobstruct.

But never mind. A modern, future-oriented agenda has been advancing on the state level as progressive governors rush into the vacuum of inaction left by Washington. And its supporters are not just Democrats but also independents and Republicans who respect mainstream science and regard the working poor as something more than cheaplabor.

Thus, we see victories for universal health coverage, higher minimum wages, the fight against global warming, slowing the war on drugs, and gay marriage. And with little thanks to CapitolHill.

Massachusetts has run a universal health care system for about eight years. Its plan was based on a conservative blueprint pushed through by a Republican governor, but when it surfaced as the model for the Affordable Care Act, the right disownedit.

Two important points: Massachusetts showed it could guarantee coverage while maintaining one of the nations strongest economies. And even without Obamacare, other states would have followed itsexample.

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Froma Harrop: If you want change, look to the states - Sat, 08 Nov 2014 PST

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