Mario Cuomo funeral brings progressives together

New York Former Gov.MarioCuomo'slegacy as a liberal champion and powerful orator was remembered at his funeral Tuesday by one who knew him best Gov. AndrewCuomo, his son.

"At his core, he was a philosopher. He was a poet. He was an advocate. He was a crusader.MarioCuomowas the keynote speaker for our better angels," the youngerCuomosaid in a eulogy that spanned his father's background as the son of immigrants, his biggest speeches and his basketball prowess.

The former three-term governor who flirted with but never made a presidential run and turned down an opportunity to be nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court died Thursday, hours after his son was inaugurated for a second term.

Dignitaries including Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton and Mayor Bill de Blasio gathered to mourn the 82-year-old Democratic Party icon and to honor his legacy.

Dozens of police officers stood at attention in front of St. Ignatius Loyola Church, and a pipe and drum corps played solemnly asCuomo'scasket was carried inside. Pallbearers includedCuomo'syounger son, CNN newscaster ChrisCuomo.

On Monday, hundreds waited in a line that stretched more than a block atCuomo'swake. Vice President Joe Biden, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and actor Alan Alda were among those who paid tribute.

As governor from 1983 to 1994,Cuomowas recognized for his eloquence and for powerful appeals for social justice that blended liberal ideals with his life experience as the son of an Italian immigrant grocer.

He was known for his deliberations over running for president, which earned him the nickname "Hamlet on the Hudson." He came close to running in 1988 and 1992 but decided against it.

Why? "Because he didn't want to" and loved being governor, AndrewCuomosaid in a heartfelt speech that mixed political legacy, personal memories of his "Pops" and calls to move the state forward in his father's footsteps.

Cuomowas most remembered for a speech at the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, where he focused on an America divided between haves and have-nots and scolded Republican President Ronald Reagan for not working to close that gap.

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Mario Cuomo funeral brings progressives together

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