NYT Editor: Women’s March Progressives Who ‘Embrace Hate’ – Breitbart News

Opinion section staff editor Bari Weiss wrote Tuesday that while she considers herself to have been a supporter of the Womens March, it turns out there is a lot not to like about its leaders, arguably the most prominent feminists in the country, who also have some chilling ideas and associations.

Far from erecting the big tent so many had hoped for, the movement they lead has embraced decidedly illiberal causes and cultivated a radical tenor that seems determined to alienate all but the most woke, Weiss asserts.

She notes Womens March leader Linda Sarsour this homegirl in a hijab has a history of disturbing views.

Weiss continues:

There are comments on her Twitter feed of the anti-Zionist sort: Nothing is creepier than Zionism, shewrotein 2012. And, oddly, given her status as a major feminist organizer, there are more than a few that seem to make common cause with anti-feminists, likethisfrom 2015: Youll know when youre living under Shariah law if suddenly all your loans and credit cards become interest-free. Sound nice, doesnt it? She has dismissed the anti-Islamist feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali inthe most crude and cruel terms, insisting she is not a real woman and confessing that she wishes she could take away Ms. Alis vagina this about a woman who suffered genital mutilation as a girl in Somalia.

Ms. Sarsour and her defenders have dismissed all of this as a smear campaign coordinated by the far right andmotivatedby Islamophobia. Plus, theyve argued, many of these tweets were written five years ago! Ancient history.

Weiss observes, however as did CNNs Jake Tapper that Sarsour has been spewing hate as recently as July 16, when the Womens March tweeted a birthday greeting to revolutionary #AssataShakur, aka Joanne Chesimard, a convicted killer who is on the F.B.I.s list of most wanted terrorists.

Subsequent to Sarsours reply to Tapper that he was now aligning with the alt-right against her, Weiss asks, Since when did criticizing a domestic terrorist become a signal issue of the far right? Last I checked, that position was a matter of basic decency and patriotism.

She continues that Womens March leader and black activist Tamika Mallory is not only an admirer of Assata Shakur, but is also a fan of Fidel Castro who gave Shakur a safe haven in Cuba.

We have some nerve!

A post shared by Tamika D. Mallory (@tamikadmallory) on Nov 26, 2016 at 11:53am PST

Similarly, Mallory and her colleague Carmen Perez are devotees of Louis Farrakhan, Weiss writes, who is notorious for his anti-Semitic comments.

The editor observes:

WhatisMr. Farrakhans truth? Readers born after 1980 will probably have little idea, since he has largely remained out of the headlines since the Million Man March he organized in 1995. But his views, which this editorial page hascalledtwisted, remain as appalling as ever.

And dont you forget, when its God who puts you in the ovens, its forever! he warned Jews in a speech at a Nation of Islam gathering in Madison Square Garden in 1985. Five years later, he remained unreformed: The Jews, a small handful, control the movement of this great nation, like a radar controls the movement of a great ship in the waters. Or this metaphor, directed at Jews: You have wrapped your tentacles around the U.S. government, and you are deceiving and sending this nation to hell. HecalledHitler a very great man on national television. Judaism, he insists, is a gutter religion.

Weiss points out some of Farrakhans other views that still are managing to endear him to progressive Womens March-ers:

Feminists will find little to cheer in his 1950sviewsof gender: Your professional lives cant satisfy your soul like a good, loving man. Recently hetoldJay-Z that he should make Beyonc put on some clothes. He alsoopposesgay marriage.

Resist Trump Womens March supporters are likely toget their dander up when Weiss takes them to task, likening their antics to those of the populist, racist alt-right that helped deliver Mr. Trump the White House and are now hollowing out the Republican Party.

She acknowledges that, for her views, she will likely be tarred as Islamophobic, alt-right, or some equally heinous label by Womens March supporters.

But what I stand against is embracing terrorists, disdaining independent feminist voices, hating on democracies and celebrating dictatorships, Weiss asserts. If that puts me beyond the pale of the progressive feminist movement in America right now, so be it.


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NYT Editor: Women's March Progressives Who 'Embrace Hate' - Breitbart News

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