Open thread for night owls: Progressives pan ‘WTF Democrats’ as just more self-interested centrists – Daily Kos

Billionaire Mark Pincus, co-founder of social game developer Zynga, and one of the new WTF Democrats.

Jake Johnson at CommonDreams writesProgressives Explain Why Centrist Tech Billionaires Won't Save the Democrats:

In a move already being denounced by progressives as "tone-deaf" and "literally the stupidest f------ idea" ever, tech billionaires Mark Pincus and Reid Hoffman have launched an initiative titled Win the Future (WTF) with the goal of bringing the Democratic Party back from the political wilderness.

"The weakness of the Democratic Party is not due to an underrepresentation of venture capitalists and tech company board members." Alex Lawson, Social Security Works

Recode's Tony Romm firstreportedon the billionaires' plans and lofty objectives, which include pushing Democrats to "rewire their philosophical core" and recruiting candidates to challenge Democratic incumbents. The recruits, according to Romm, will be called "WTF Democrats."

The tech moguls have "contributed $500,000 to their still-evolving project" so far, Romm notes, and they have been "aided by Jeffrey Katzenberg, a major Democratic donor and former chairman of Disney, as well as venture capitalists Fred Wilson and Sunil Paul."

Pincus, the co-founder of Zynga, signaled that the WTF platform will be "pro-social [and] pro-planet, but also pro-business and pro-economy."

"I'm fearful the Democratic Party is already moving too far to the left," Pincus said. "I want to push the Democratic Party to be more in touch with mainstream America, and on some issues, that's more left, and on some issues it might be more right."

Progressives reacted to the projectand to the comments of its founderswith a combination of scorn and dismay, portraying the effort as just thelatest in a seriesof misguided attempts to push the Democratic Party rightward.

If the self-interested elites behind "Win the Future" want to be helpful, say critics, they should go save the Republican Party instead.

"It would be much more valuable for the world if sane, but conservative, self-protective rich people who are against bigotry and recognize that climate science is real became forces within the Republican Party and supported sane Republicans in primaries rather than water down the message of the Democratic Party and its commitment to economic equality and social justice,"Jeff Hauser, director of the Revolving Door Project at the Center for Economic and Policy Research,toldThe Huffington Post.

Hauser concluded that the last thing the Democratic Party should be promoting is a coalition of candidates who are "regressive on corporate power."

Others similarly panned the billionaires' ambitions as yet another "centrist push" that runs counter to the prevailing agenda of the grassroots, which has of late ramped up calls for the Democratic Party to push aggressively for programs likeMedicare for Alland free public college tuition. [...]

"Win the Future's technocratic bent seems to ignore the unexpected success of PresidentDonald Trumpand the competitive bid for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination by Sen.Bernie Sanders(I-Vt.), both of whom ran populist campaigns against the reigning financial elite and the power it exerts in politics,"notedThe Huffington Post's Daniel Marans.

According to recent polls, most Americans believe that the Democratic Party isalready out of touch, and many Democratsare not optimisticabout their party's prospects. Tech billionaires, progressives argued, are the opposite of what the party needs.

"The weakness of the Democratic Party is not due to an underrepresentation of venture capitalists and tech company board members,"concludedAlex Lawson, executive director of Social Security Works.

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Neoconservatives and the Pentagon have good reason to fear the return of the Vietnam Syndrome. The label intentionally suggests a disease, a weakening of the martial will, but the syndrome was actually a healthy American reaction to false White House promises of victory, the propping up of corrupt regimes, crony contracting and cover-ups of civilian casualties during the Vietnam War that are echoed today in the news from Baghdad. ~Tom Hayden, 2004



At Daily Kos on this date in 2011Obama administration ends coal rip off; liberal titan Abner J. Mikva dies at 90:

The Obama administration has already established a standard 35.5 mile-per-gallon fuel-efficiency average for cars, light trucks and SUVs manufactured in 2016 and beyond. The discussion now is over how much the standard should be increased to by 2025. The administration has slated an announcement on its decision about this for September.

Eco-advocates are seeking a 62-mpg standard. The big car companies, including GM, the one that taxpayers still own one-fourth of, are aghast. It's the usual whine, which comes down to the usual claim: no-can-do, too-expensive, unsafe.

OntodaysKagro in the Morningshow,Greg DworkinandJoan McCarterguide us out of the long weekend. GOPSenators duck July 4th parades. Hold your breath: NorthKorea launches ICBM.Trump heads to G20. Declaration of Independence trashed. Theres even more collusion than you thought.

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Open thread for night owls: Progressives pan 'WTF Democrats' as just more self-interested centrists - Daily Kos

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