Phony Progressives – Letter –

I read the letter comments offensive by Joanne M. Holcomp in response to Walter Crottys letter. She managed to blame Donald Trump for mocking Mexicans, a special needs person and even Jews when he told a Jewish journalist to sit down. Of course she says that Trump lies about everything including John F. Kennedys assassination.

Two things bothered me. The comment about the Jewish journalist. She is calling President Trump anti-Semitic and I am surprised that no mention of black racism or the LGBT community was mentioned until I read another letter by Laura H. Catanach Harm has been done. This letter filled in everything missing from the other letter, discrimination of blacks, Hispanics, LGBT and Middle Easterners. She even threw in scientists for good luck. She claims the usual white, heterosexual men that will benefit. Sorry, when I was 26 years old I was married six years, spent two years in the army and two years in the army reserve, I worked seven years full time and nine years part time. Growing up my clothes were mostly hand me downs from my older brother. As long as my shoes fit I used cardboard for the holes in the sole. I didnt need my parents insurance nor did I have any white male privilege. None of my friends that were mostly first- generation Americans had any male white privilege. President Obama on his mothers side had more white privilege than anyone I know.

Of course there was a letter to let everyone know about Obama saving the country. Patriotic right and duty written by Dr. Gerald Malkin. There is a better future for jobs under Trump than Obama. The only new jobs Obama created were the workers sewing Mr. pillows. The unemployment rate went down because millions of workers gave up looking for jobs that werent there. The debt and deficit are sky high. As for Obamacare, the only reason so many joined was because it was free. That was an insult to the seniors on Medicare that have to spend almost $100 a month plus pay for drug insurance. Why have Falmouth Hospital, Cape Cod Hospital, St. Elisabeth Hospital and Beth Israel Hospital expanded their emergency rooms? I thought that Obamacare would solve the problem of those without insurance that used the emergency room for care. Old habits are hard to change. I went down Industrial Drive in Mashpee to find a doctors office and passed so many health care buildings that I wondered why Medicare and Medicaid arent bankrupt.

A patriot doesnt wish the president to fail or whose goal is to make the president a failure. A failed president is a failed country.

What we need are the good old- fashioned liberals of old and not these phony progressives who use George Soros as their mentor.

Anthony Tocci, Plum Hollow Road, East Falmouth

Excerpt from:
Phony Progressives - Letter -

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