Portland Progressives Toastmasters Club

Welcome to Portland ProgressivesWelcome to Portland Progressives Toastmasters Club!

Have a fear of public speaking? Tongue-tied in front of groups? Scared to have those critical or awkward conversations? Want to change the world? Looking to improve interpersonally?

Check out Portland Progressives Toastmasters!

Learn totalk about ANY topic.

We are aSAFE space for everyone!

WHEN: Thursdays (except holidays)

WHERE:Village Gateway Clubhouse, 871 N.E. 90th Ave., Portland, OR 97220

TIME:Gather at6:15pm start at 6:30

NOTE:Parking is allowedONLY inslots marked "Guest Parking," or in non-painted curbsides (one is along the North driveway), or on NE 90th Avenue. DO NOT park in the numbered slots that belong to residents or along red-painted curbsides (these are fire lanes). Thank you.

Our main purpose is to help those who want to conquer their fear of speaking, especially those with an interest in changing our world for the better. And to help progressive thinkers and activists hone their progressive voices as consummate speakers and leaders!

Toastmasters - noun - Members of an international organization working to improve their own communication and leadership skills.


Please see the Directions page for a map and additional information.

Portland Progressives Toastmasters

Club # 875188

Progressively Speaking for a Better World

Through its worldwide network of clubs, Toastmasters helps nearly 280,000 people communicate effectively and achieve the confidence to lead others. Why pay thousands of dollars for a seminar or class when you can join a Toastmasters club for a fraction of the cost and have fun in the process?

Constructive evaluation is central to the Toastmasters philosophy. Each time you give a prepared speech, an evaluator will point out strengths as well as suggest improvements. Receiving - and giving - such feedback is a great learning experience. In Toastmasters, encouragement and improvement go hand-in-hand.

By learning to effectively formulate, organize and express your ideas to others, you can achieve all kinds of success. You'll be more capable and confident when giving presentations. You'll be more persuasive when pitching prospective clients. Want to be better at negotiating your salary with your boss? Networking at business or social functions? Motivating co-workers - or your kids?

Toastmasters International. Where leaders are made.

For meeting information, please see our meeting information page.

Here is a list of some of our members who have chosen to make their profiles public.

Thank you for your request to be removed from our mailing list. We are sorry to see you go. Please contact a club officer or the website administrator if you change your mind.

See the article here:
Portland Progressives Toastmasters Club

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