Progressive chasm

I often wonder about progressives. The term suggests one that is making progress. But, to where? I wonder whether progressives have read the Constitution. Do they really believe in it, beyond the obligatory yes? Highly questionable. I also wonder whether they understand basic economics. It seems clear they do not.

In his latest posting, Mr. Schweers suggests that taking money that I have earned from hard work to give to those that dont work is fair play. But he does not say what fair means. Does he know? Since the days of the Roman Empire and English kings, individuals and organizations have sought favor and special treatment from those that rule over them. He seems to think that the solution is to have rulers that will do what he wants rather than what the Constitution says.

And trickle down? The term was conjured by progressives to vilify those that actually wanted to create jobs. Or maybe he doesnt actually know how jobs are created. Hint. Its nothing the government does. He seems to want to increase taxes on corporations. Does he not know that corporations have never paid taxes, do not pay taxes, and never will pay taxes, no matter what the rate is? Raising them only hurts the middle class, making them more dependent on the government. Perhaps thats the intent.

There certainly is a chasm. But it is between those that want to increase control over individuals to do as they say and want (progressives), and those that believe in the Constitution.

It seems that Mr. Schweers wants more government control, but only if progressives are in charge and their special interests are receiving the benefits. Progressive conflict of interest? You bet.

The rest is here:
Progressive chasm

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