Progressive politics led to Illinois’ plight — Joseph Tripalin –

A catastrophe is unfolding just south of the Wisconsin border. Illinois is going bankrupt.

The state has over $140 billion in unpaid debts and future pension benefit obligations without the resources to pay these obligations. It is so bad that Powerball is pulling out of Illinois because the state can't afford to pay the winners.

How did Illinois get in this fix? The answer is progressive politics and initiatives. For over 50 years Illinois has been run by progressives with their tax-and-spend philosophy. It hasn't worked. You cannot endlessly promise more and more benefits and programs without a means to pay for them and borrowing to cover the shortfall.

This is what progressives want for America and in many cases what we already have. In the near future, Illinois might default, or be forced to implement massive tax increases, and that won't be enough to protect the pensions of public employees across the state or pay all the bills.

So when people wax poetically about the wonderful nature of progressive ideology, just think about Illinois and you will see the terrible problems it brings.

Joseph Tripalin, McFarland

Originally posted here:
Progressive politics led to Illinois' plight -- Joseph Tripalin -

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