Progressives believe their morality better than rest – The Bozeman Daily Chronicle

Jay Moor wonders what the moral difference is between teenagers refusing to assist a drowning man and politicians opposing the Affordable Care Act.

Let me take a stab at answering.

In the world of the progressive, government is everything. If there isnt a government program, nothing is being done. Changing a program will kill millions. If government isnt spending oodles more money, its immoral.

Progressives love to lecture us about morality. They never stop talking about their superior values. They are self-avowed sole authorities regarding matters of faith, and they are quite certain Jesus agrees with them.

If your morality is different than theirs, you are immoral. Youre not like Jesus. Progressive morality is so much better that it should be imposed on you via the strong arm of government. But, you are required to keep your morality out of politics. Because theocracy.

Progressives believe it is moral to for government to take your money and spend it on someone else. Thats like Jesus. But Jesus would never ask a progressive to actually help someone in need. In fact, personal compassion is immoral, because only Bible-believing extremists reject second-hand government compassion and actually go out and help people.

It doesnt matter that no government social program has ever succeeded in fixing the problem for which it was created. It isnt relevant that under ACA insurance rates are skyrocketing, insurance carriers are leaving in droves, and 8 million people paid the ACA tax penalty last year.

Lets not discuss that the uninsured rate is 11.3 percent (36,499,000 people!) this year, up from 10.9 percent in 2016. And keep it quiet that there are 10 million people who actually have insurance but cant pay their medical bills, or that 62 percent of bankruptcies are due to medical expenses.

Because their morality is better than yours.

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Progressives believe their morality better than rest - The Bozeman Daily Chronicle

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