Progressives Blow Out Big Oil in Richmond

Chevron spent $3 million in the Richmond election this year, and appears to have wasted all of that money. Last night's results show that it's favored mayoral candidate Nate Bates was trounced by Councilmember Tom Butt, 35.46 percent to 51.43 percent.

"I'm still trying to process it," Butt told the Express on Wednesday. "I think it was two things: Chevron's campaign just backfired on them and the RPA [Richmond Progressive Alliance], which had huge loses in 2012, redoubled their efforts this time around and that paid off.

"I think the next two years are going to be fun," he added.

In addition, all three of Chevron's candidates for city council Charles Ramsey, Donna Powers, and Al Martinez are trailing progressive candidates Gayle McLaughlin, Jovanka Beckles, and Eduardo Martinez.

City Council (four-year seats; top 3 win) Gayle McLaughlin: 16.91% Jovanka Beckles (I): 16.21% Eduardo Martinez: 14.60% Jim Rogers (I): 13.59% Donna Powers: 12.83% Charles Ramsey: 10.50% Al Martinez: 5.86%

In the race for the two-year seat on the council, incumbent Jael Myrick easily defeated Corky Booz, 50.96 percent to 32.3 percent.

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Progressives Blow Out Big Oil in Richmond

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