Progressives, Fear the Return of the American Savage –

Jon1979(View Comment):

The current Virginia gun control kerfuffle is an interesting preview of the situation progressives want, but arent quite sure how theyre going to get there in the real world. The Democrats know when Jan. 1 rolls around they want to take their first steps on banning guns on the way to gun confiscation, once they control the legislature in Virigina. But theyve already had the majority of the counties in the state either voice opposition or go through the Sanctuary County movement in declaring any state action to be in violation of Second Amendment rights.

In fantasy world, Gov. Northam sends out his robotic Imperial Storm Troopers and they simply do as theyre told and seize all the illegal weapons. Real world is a little messier, in that the governor is going to have to either order the removal of sheriffs and/or county officials, or mandate that Richmond put the financial screws to any county in non-compliance, and in either case, even if you got the top officials in those counties to go along with the plan, the lower level people in the law enforcement departments (or the National Guard) might not comply.

So how do the Elites tame the Savages? Up in New York State, Andrew Cuomos been content to virtue signal much of his draconian gun control law for downstate voters, while not taking it to the mat with the upstate sheriffs and voters/gun owners who oppose it. Northam may do the same thing, but more than any state other than possibly Maryland, Virginia Democrats power comes out of the federal mindset of the Washington D.C. area i.e., lots of the same people and mindsets that have brought you the past three years of the Trump investigation/impeachment farce live in Virginia, and may want their governor and legislators to use the same type of harball tactics they learned during the Obama years in D.C. on the non-complying gun-owning citizens in Virginia. Thats when the push-back really could get serious.

Excellent analysis and well written statements.

Hopefully the governor and his staff wont be as smart as Gov Jerry Brown was in Calif.

Brown went after segments within segments of the gun owning population. So hey every body: dont worry we will only take your guns if you are a veteran with a mental illness or a prescription for anti depressants.

Then a year later: dont worry we only want your guns if you have a drug conviction, even a misdemeanor drug conviction.

So since the whole populace of gun owners wasnt attacked all at once, Brown got away with more confiscation than he should have.

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Progressives, Fear the Return of the American Savage -

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