Progressives Gone Wild? Abraham Lincoln Statue Vandalized in Chicago – Townhall

All statues must goeven ones erected to the president who led the effort to abolish slavery through the 13th Amendment. The president who kept this country together during one of the most turbulent time in our history. Hes our greatest president full stop. And yet, someone decided to vandalize Abraham Lincoln in Chicago (via NBC Chicago):

An Abraham Lincoln was damaged and burned in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood late Wednesday, Ald. Ray Lopez said.

The statue was found burned near 69th Street and Wolcott, authorities said.

"What an absolute disgraceful act of vandalism," Lopez wrote on Facebook along with an image of the charred structure. He encouraged anyone who has information on what happened to contact police or his office "immediately."

The statue, a bust of Lincoln, was erected by Phil Bloomquist on Aug. 31, 1926.

It is one of many that have been vandalized across the country in wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia and the president's comments that followed.

On Tuesday, someone vandalized the Lincoln Memorial, writing "F--- law" in red spray paint on a pillar at the monument.

Was because people didnt care? People who dont know history? It really doesnt matter. At the same time, liberals do have a penchant for forgetting history, or using it for political purposes when it suits their aims. In this case, everyone just realized that Confederate statues were bad, bad things, despite them being in plain view of the public for decades. Its a way to paint President Trump and Republicans as racist. In other ways, its just another day that ends in y. It also shows that not even Lincoln is safe from this insanity.

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Progressives Gone Wild? Abraham Lincoln Statue Vandalized in Chicago - Townhall

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