Progressives: Hey, let’s politicize Valentine’s Day this year Hot Air – Hot Air

posted at 5:01 pm on February 13, 2017 by John Sexton

The progressive impulse to politicize everything, which led to stories during the Obama years about how to turn Thanksgiving dinner into an Obamacare seminar, is now being applied to Valentines Day. The Womens March account says they are reclaiming Valentines Day as a Day of Revolutionary Love.

What is revolutionary love? From the website,it seems to be a rathergrandiose effort to oppose Trumps executive order on immigration[emphasis added]:

We vow to oppose all executive orders and policies that threaten the rights and dignity of any person. We call upon our elected officials to join us, and we are prepared to engage in moral resistance throughout this administration.

We will honor our mothers and ancestors whose bodies, breath, and blood call us to a life of courage. In their name, we choose to see this darkness not as the darkness of the tomb but of the womb. We will breathe and push through the pain of this era to birth a new future.

Its curious that progressives, whose biggest priority at the womens march was support for abortion, are using birth as a metaphor for their movement. In any case, the agenda for the Day of Revolutionary Love does eventually get more specific. Theres a 3 point commitment which includes calling your representatives in Congress(sample script: Im calling to ask my Senator to oppose the Presidents executive orders), participating in events organized by 1 Billion Rising or writing a letterand posting it on social media with the hashtag#RevolutionaryLove is.

In her own call for this, activistValarie Kaur explains why Valentines Day needs to be reclaimed. She writes, In the decades since the civil rights era, love has been captured by Hallmark cards and sidelined as purely personal and romantic, far too fickle and sentimental to be a political force. But in this dangerous new era, we reclaim love as an action.

The idea of Valentines Day as a day set aside for the celebration of romantic love goes back quite a bit before the civil rights era. In any case, the assumption that Valentines Dayis flawed because its insufficiently political says a lot. For most people its a day for celebrating their closest personal relationships. The idea that it must be made part of the resistance to have real significanceis a bit sad if you think about it. Heres hoping this exercise in partisan rebranding goes about as well as the previous efforts to ruin holiday gatherings in the name of the progressive agenda.

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Progressives: Hey, let's politicize Valentine's Day this year Hot Air - Hot Air

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