Progressives Say: Boycott the World! – Power Line (blog)

#GrabYourWallet has gotten quite a bit of publicity as the leading organizer of progressive boycotts against companies that are somehow associated with Donald Trump. The boycott effort is doomed to fail, for a couple of reasons: first, social justice warriors are a small percentage of the population; second, social justice warriors who are willing to change their shopping habits are an infinitesimal percentage of the population.

So this is mostly for laughs. Here is a screen shot that shows what #GrabYourWallet looks like. Note that the large majority of companies are to be boycotted because they carry Ivanka Trumps clothing line. This is even more vicious and mean-spirited than the average politically-inspired boycott campaign. Click to enlarge:

The scope of the boycott effort is entertaining. Progressives arent supposed to shop at Amazon, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Bloomingdales, Bluefly, Filenes BasementI doubt that many liberals shop thereGilt, Jet, Kmart, Lord & Taylor, Macys, Marshalls, Nieman Marcus, Nordstromwhere is a progressive supposed to get shoes?Sears, T J Maxx, Walmartno problem there!and many more.

Then we have the category of businesses that progressives should consider boycotting. Like Breitbart News! You would think they would be higher on the list. But how do you boycott I would guess very few progs visit the site. Also Carnival cruise line, Forbes, Hobby Lobby, LL Bean, the Los Angeles Clippers (seriously), andthis may be the funniest of allKushner Properties! How, exactly, is a typical liberal living in his mothers basement supposed to boycott Kushner Properties, which is owned by Trumps son-in-law? Not hire them to develop his next apartment tower or retail complex, I guess.

Progressives are also told to consider boycotting companies as disparate as MillerCoors, Nascaras if!Trump golf courses and hotels, Uberthis will be tough on hipster progsUniversal Studios, the list goes on and on. Boycotting will need to become a full-time pursuit for liberals determined to keep up.

But we arent finished yet! There is a third category of Entities *Not* Being Boycotted at This Time. Nice business youve got here, shame if anything were to happen to it! Companies now living under threat include all bookstores who sell any Trump bookspretty much all book stores, in other wordsDelta Airlines (dont ask), artists and entertainers who express support for Trumpthis list, fortunately, is very shortFacebook, Home Depot, PayPal, and my favorite: the Washington Post! Who knew WaPo is living under threat of destruction by the Left? Here is the explanation:

Amazon is on the #GrabYourWallet boycott list and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos also owns the Washington Post, however the Post is a longstanding institution and David Fahrenthold did some of the most important investigative reporting of the election. When polled 58% of #GrabYourWallet participants said the Washington Post should not be added to the boycott list. We do encourage people to subscribe to WaPo directly versus via the Amazon site.

Politically-inspired boycotts are, in general, a nasty business. But this one is so pathetic that its only real significance is as a guide to the mean-spiritedness of liberals.

See the original post here:
Progressives Say: Boycott the World! - Power Line (blog)

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