The nation needs to hear more from progressives – Baltimore Sun

In a recent letter to the editor ("Blame the press for alienating half the country, June 28), Dennis Dabrowka excoriated the press for having "over an extended period of time and with growing aggressiveness, promoted progressive values [and] mocked conservative values."

Progressive ideas and values are what keep a society alive and moving forward, keeping it healthy and vital so that it can adjust to the many new challenges that face it on an almost daily basis. A progressive society also leads the way in discovering and implementing changes needed in an ever-changing world.

If a culture chooses conservative ideas and values as its guiding philosophy, that society will stagnate and eventually die. It is called the law of entropy. Even worse, regressive ideas and values, many being currently touted in our present political climate, are actively destructive and lead only to frustrating dreams of returning to what is now no longer viable: the dream of little country towns with their one-room school houses, the stalwart coal mining communities, a society owned and run by those of a certain ethnicity.

A country that embraces progressive ideas is one that is alive and understands that change is inevitable and works at how best to embrace it. A country that embraces conservative ideas is one that is unwilling to face change, wants everything to remain in the status quo and will become stagnant and dead. A country that embraces regressive ideas will actively bring abut the end to that society through its desire to regress to a "golden past.

Nancy Bruggman Spies, Jarrettsville

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The nation needs to hear more from progressives - Baltimore Sun

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