Warren wins one for progressives, loses for the party – Lowell Sun

Well, Sen. Elizabeth Warren managed to get herself squarely in the public spotlight again -- on the far-left spectrum of the Democratic Party where she's most comfortable.

In the process, Warren re-energized her progressive base, which had begun to doubt her liberal extremist credentials in light of her recent actions.

Always ready to manipulate the media when it suits her agenda -- and ignore them when it doesn't -- the senior senator from Massachusetts was at her grandstanding best on the U.S. Senate floor Tuesday night, where she was unceremoniously silenced for her attempts to impugn the character of Sen. Jeff Sessions.

Sessions, an Alabama Republican, just happens to be President Trump's very capable and competent attorney general nominee. Senate Democrats have made it their business to extend the process of approving Trump's Cabinet picks for as long as possible, since as the minority party, they don't have the votes to block them.

So Warren took to the Senate floor Tuesday night with the apparent attention of assailing the character of this respected conservative senator -- continuing to do so even after being warned her conduct was out of order.

That occurred earlier in the evening after Warren read past statements from the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, who had called Sessions a "disgrace to the Justice Department."

No, Warren didn't employ her own extremist blather to cut the legs from under a colleague.

Forewarned that she ran the risk of violating Senate "Rule 19," which prohibits senators from "directly or indirectly" impugning the motives and conduct of a colleague, Warren pressed on.

She later attempted to read a letter sent to the Senate nearly 40 years ago by Coretta Scott King, widow of the Rev. Martin Luther King, opposing Sessions' bid for a federal judgeship, in which King alleged Sessions conducted "a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters" in Alabama.

That's when Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell asked for a vote demanding Warren cease and desist, calling her actions a clear violation of Senate rules.

And along party lines, the Senate did exactly that. Warren, feigning disbelief, couldn't understand why she was silenced. She instantly regained the allegiance of her adoring progressive wingnuts for her courageous stand.

Their faith had been shaken by her support for Scott Brown, the Republican she defeated to win her Senate seat, to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for her vote confirming former GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson as secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Obviously realizing her perceived ideological drift, Warren, whose political calculations revolve around her own ambitions, realized she needed a course correction -- a sharp left turn.

Sessions' nomination supplied that headline-grabbing opportunity.

It's too bad Democrats can't find a more measured instrument to voice their beliefs and concerns. They've allowed Warren to become the face of their party, which will remain out of touch with mainstream America as long as that's the case.

The rest is here:
Warren wins one for progressives, loses for the party - Lowell Sun

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