Why ‘progressives’ hate e pluribus unum – WND.com

We can build a collective civic space large enough for all our separate identities, that we can be e pluribus unum out of one, many.

Al Gore, January 1994, in Milwaukee speech to Institute of World Affairs

Was it a Freudian slip when Al Gore made this statement 23 years ago?

When he butchered the national motto, did he know what he was doing? Was it planned disinformation, knowing the U.S. has deliberately dumbed down and mis-educated generations of American schoolchildren a process that has continued on overdrive over the last quarter century?

Its hard to imagine any other way to look at it.

After all, it wasnt just the misuse of a Latin term meaning out of many, one. He was literally advocating the opposite out of one, many.

And, here we are, in 2017 and just look at all the progress weve made toward his goal.

Thats exactly what progressives are after division of our nation, splitting people apart rather than pulling them together, pitting interest groups against each other, always creating new interest groups where none previously existed while claiming to be promoting new rights based on the needs or desires or fanciful whims of new constituent groups.

The problem with all that is that it tears at the very fabric of the American experiment in national self-government and what it means to be one nation under the law.

And thats why progressives hate the meaning of e pluribus unum.

Do you want to live in a nation where the laws apply to each individual equally, without respect to their color, sex, sexual practices, creed, ethnic background?

Or do you prefer to live in a nation under the rule of men who maintain and build their power by handing out favors to an increasingly small number of special interest groups?

Thats really the choice we face.

I can tell you which way were headed. But I dont need to because you can see it for yourself.

The Democratic Party, still by a slight margin the largest party in the country, believes in the latter. Its the party of victims. Its the party of endless wealth redistribution taking from the achievers and using the money to buy votes in a hopelessly unsustainable model that can only result in absolute tyranny and misery for all.

There isnt even any dissent allowed within that party. And soon, if it regains political power in Washington, there will be no dissent permitted anywhere.

Just look at what they control now, if you doubt me.

Yes, theres been a fundamental shift in the direction of America especially over the last eight years. The left was ever so close in the last election to making their fundamental transformation permanent, irreversible, pounding the final nail in the coffin of the worlds greatest experiment in self-governance.

They are in apoplectic shock about coming so close to realizing their dreams and letting it slip through their fingers.

But were not out of the woods not by a long shot.

This battle between strikingly diverse worldviews will be with us until their ideas are entirely discredited among 80 to 90 percent of the public. And thats going to take a long march through all of the territory under their occupation.

Its time to decide if you are a collectivist or an individualist.

Its time to decide what kind of country you want for your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

And its time to mobilize for the kind of sacrifice it will take the kind it has always taken to preserve Americas heritage of liberty.

Get Joseph Farahs new book, The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians, and the End of the Age, and learn about the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith and your future in Gods Kingdom

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact media@wnd.com.

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Why 'progressives' hate e pluribus unum - WND.com

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