Bring On The Qubits: How The Quantum Computing Arms Race Affects Legal – Technology – United States – Mondaq News Alerts

30 September 2020

L2 Counsel

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Both the hardware and algorithms have a long way to go untilthey grace our environments. Quantum computing is not anunattainable innovation, though-it is real enough and, therefore,reachable enough to merit consideration of implications now.

Since its beginnings as a theory developed independently byAmerican physicists Paul Benioff and Richard Feynman and Russianmathematician Yuri Manin, quantum computing has been in a perpetualstate of scientific discovery. It sometimes reaches proof ofprinciple on an approach but has never overcome the engineeringchallenges to move forward. That is, until now. Welcome to KlausSchwab'sfourth industrial revolution, where quantumcomputing is one of the emerging technologies that willfundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to oneanother.

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Bring On The Qubits: How The Quantum Computing Arms Race Affects Legal - Technology - United States - Mondaq News Alerts

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