Booker: If it were up to Rand Paul, there would be no accountability for insurrectionists – Courier Journal

Charles Booker| Opinion Contributor

Election lies spawn deadly assault on US Capitol

Ample video evidence has emerged over the last year of what happened during the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. It rebuts former President Donald Trump's persistent promotion of lies about the attack and about the 2020 election.(Jan. 5)


The recent hearings on the Jan. 6 insurrection make one thing crystal clear: There are members of Congress, more specifically the Senate, who violated their oath to protect our democracy. Rand Pauls one of those members.

As Rep. Liz Cheney said, theres no room for debate. The violent mob of insurrectionists stormed our capitol, beat, tasedand degraded capitol police, and sought to kill the Vice President and members of Congress. If it were up to senators like Paul, there would be no accountability, which poses a danger and a threat to our security.

Read Rand Paul's Response: To imply that I supported arguments to overturn the election is a lie

Why did Paul dismiss the harrowing testimony and statements of capitol police officers who shared their experience during the Jan. 6 attempted coup the day an officer was killed trying to protect him and his colleagues against a vicious mob? Why does he oppose efforts to invest in community safety to protect our families?

The insurrection, which was described as carnage and chaos by a Capitol police officer, was a physical manifestation of the weakening of our democracy. Videos from Jan. 6, 2021, accompanying testimonies, underscore how important it is for Kentuckians to understand the severity of that day and the impact itll have on our nation for years to come. An understanding that Paul himself purposely refuses to grasp, as he calls these hearings a partisan witch hunt.

Documents entered into the record reveal that the group that organized the insurrection printed Rand Paul…We the people love you on their plans to storm capitol buildings. If thats the surface, its fair to ask if digging deeper would cast an even more damning light on Pauls involvement in the events of that day. Paul doesnt want you to discover he abandoned and violated his oath to uphold the Constitution and protect our democracy.

"Thanks to your [expletive], we are under siege." Those are the words from Greg Jacob, former counsel to Mike Pence, to Trump-allied lawyer John Eastman. Rand Paul has no problems associating with the same people who organized that siege. Because to Paul, an allegiance to the corrupt establishment is stronger than an allegiance to the truth and the people of Kentucky who he has continuously failed torepresent.

More: Kentucky woman who took video selfie inside US Capitol takes plea deal in Jan. 6 riot case

Kentuckians are tired of being deceived, especially by those who say theyll fight for us in DC. Pauls lies weaken our democracy by empowering those who seek to come to power by corruption and cheating, rather than by the will of the people of Kentucky and the people of the United States. Protecting our democracy is more than protecting the right to vote. Protecting our democracy is going to DC bound to the voters who elected you. Protecting our democracy is upholding the will of the people of Kentucky. Paul failed in his duty to protect our democracy on all accounts.

If Kentucky is to regain our power in Congress, we must start with replacing politicians like Rand Paul, who divide us, disrespect us, and hold us back rather than uniting us and delivering for our commonwealth. I believe our democracy and Kentucky is worth fighting for because I know there are people in every corner of Kentucky, from the hood to the holler, whose lives depend on our voice being heard. I believe our race will decide the fate of democracy. Ill respectfully uphold my oath, when elected to the U.S. Senate, to protect democracy.

Charles Booker is aDemocratic candidate for Senator in Kentucky,running against Sen. Rand Paul.

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Booker: If it were up to Rand Paul, there would be no accountability for insurrectionists - Courier Journal

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