Dr. Rand Paul speaks to small business owners about health care – Outbreak News Today

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul met this weekwith a dozen National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) members at The Flynn Group, NFIB member business in Louisville, to talk about plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, the federal healthcare law commonly known as Obamacare.

After the event, Senator Paul said, I appreciated the opportunity provided by the NFIB to speak with some of Louisvilles small business owners today about the impact of the current healthcare system on their businesses. I enjoyed answering their questions about my own Obamacare Replacement Act, learning more about the challenges they face in regards to healthcare costs, and discussing potential solutions to ensure Kentuckys businesses can thrive.

He also talked about the work NFIB does on behalf of its members in Washington, D.C.

Tom Underwood, state director of NFIB, said repealing and replacing the healthcare law is a priority for small business owners.

Small business is increasingly concerned about the existing health insurance market that has been absolutely devastated by Obamacare, Underwood said. Small businesses here and across the country have borne the brunt of the higher costs and burdensome regulations associated with Obamacare.

On behalf of our members, I want to thank Senator Paul for educating us about his plan for fixing the healthcare system, Underwood said. The swift action on the part of a newly elected Congress to begin the process of repealing this burdensome mandate is heartening.

NFIB is Americas leading small business association, promoting & protecting the right of our members to own, operate and grow their businesses. They areheadquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, with offices in Washington, D.C., and all 50 state capitals.

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Dr. Rand Paul speaks to small business owners about health care - Outbreak News Today

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