Fox’s Ed Henry to Rand Paul: Will You ‘Imperil the Trump Presidency … – Mediaite

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Fox News Ed Henry, subbing in for Tucker Carlson tonight, questioned Senator Rand Paul about the binary choice Speaker Paul Ryan has offered fellow Republicans on the American Health Care Act.

Paul is one of the Republicans insisting they need to go back to the drawing board on Obamacare repeal. He told Henry that the binary choice rhetoric is basically take it or leave it, and so we are withholding our vote to send a message.

Henry said, When you say Look, its not a binary choice, you dont have my vote, Mr. Speaker, you might imperil the Trump presidency.

He asked Paul, What if this all comes crashing down?

Paul insisted that therearent many people who dislike Obamacare more than he does, but said, We have to separate repeal from replacement or the deal doesnt get done.

Watch above, via Fox News.

[image via screengrab]

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Fox's Ed Henry to Rand Paul: Will You 'Imperil the Trump Presidency ... - Mediaite

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